Essays on Architecture

Development Of Gothic Architecture In Europe In Middle Ages

Gothic architecture is initially a style in Europe that qualities stature and fragile. It started in the mid-twelfth century until the late sixteenth century, specifically the style of brickwork structures which have walls separated by overlaid tracery. Progressively substantial structures were executed amid the twelfth to the thirteenth century. Its birthplaces are French, along these...

Greek Architecture Versus Renaissance Architecture: Comparative Essay

Indicated throughout the history of humanity, the relationship between man and architecture is seen to have intertwined inevitably with nature. Regardless as to whether it be influenced literally, for instance through the emulation of natural forms by means of biomimicry, or influenced abstractly, through the collectively shared virtues within human nature, it is clear the...
2132 Words 5 Pages

Greek Architecture: Stone Column’s Constructions

Introduction Stones Any kind of technology influences architecture on how to build buildings and houses from any centuries when you search you can see kind of materials affected styles and constructions used to build. In ancient Egyptian used kind of the materials in that time, for example used a reed, mud-brick, limestone and chiselled stones,...
2814 Words 6 Pages

Gothic Architecture: Evolution Of Proportion And Geometry Through The Ages

The objective of this essay is to critically analyse and show how, since ancient times proportion and geometry have always been the fellow companions of architecture on its journey of evolution through the ages. Throughout history, appreciated architecture has always emanated from an adequate knowledge and understanding of some form of geometric principles. To understand...
2893 Words 6 Pages

Gothic Architecture And Neo Gothic: General Characteristics

The first phase of gothic lasted from approx. the 1130s – to 1200s. It quickly spread in this stage throughout Europe. The 3 defining elements which were present; flying buttresses, ribbed vaults and pointed arches; latter replaced rounded arches that allowed for more flexibility in cathedrals of those vertical proportions. In England, the early gothic...
773 Words 2 Pages

Renaissance: Filippo Brunelleschi As A Pioneer Of Architecture

Each period throughout human history has been undeniably marked by its own unique architecture, from the Renaissance period to the modern age and into the 21st century. In order for this progression, there is a need for pioneers to create change and challenge conventions of architecture within certain periods. Filippo Brunelleschi, Frank Lloyd Wright and...

Roman And Renaissance Architecture: Comparative Essay

Previous achievements have always influenced new innovations. As Frank Gehrig always said “Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness “, let’s start with the classical architecture whose origin comes from Greek civilization, this architecture which expresses the life of the city. Indeed, the Romans conquered in the 2nd century before...

The Principles Of Sustainable Urban Landscape Architecture

Introduction Landscape is widely known as the integrated perception of the outdoors environment, the awareness of the daily habitat, or the result of the interaction between natural forces and human activity. The purpose here is to point out how a wise understanding and managing of the landscape phenomena largely contributes to a sustainable city. An...
1989 Words 4 Pages
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