Essays on Astronomy

Black Hole Attack Detection And Mitigation Technique In Manet

Abstract— MANET stands for Mobile ADHOC Network also called a wireless ADHOC network or ADHOC wireless network that usually has a routable networking environment on top of a Link Layer ad hoc network. Because MANETS are mobile, they use wireless connections to connect to various networks. Each node in MANET is free to move independently...
2887 Words 6 Pages

Factors Defining Planet Habitability

For as long as humans have been alive, they have always been fascinated by the stars and the cosmos. A factor that contributes to this fascination has been the prospect of life outside our very own Earth. Is there life elsewhere in our universe? Over the past several decades, with increasing technological developments, humanity has...
1872 Words 4 Pages

Venus: General Characteristics And Potential For Life

Introduction Venus is the 2nd planet from the Sun that it was once named through the Roman goddess of love and beauty. It is the second brightest natural object in the night time sky after the moon, can cast the shadow and be seen to the naked eye in the vast daylight. Since Venus lies...
1661 Words 4 Pages

Exploration Of Venus: The Venera Program

Background In the 1960’s, with the Space Race well under way between the US and USSR, the Soviets set out to explore our sister planet, Venus and uncover what was hidden beneath the clouds. Venus “may have been the first habitable planet in the solar system” and is often referred to as “Earth’s evil twin,”...
2046 Words 4 Pages

Our Planet Is In Danger: The Main Problems We Will Face In The Future

As we know, nowadays our planet is in danger; in the future, we might live the consequences of our careless lifestyle. Currently, we are in the middle of a pandemia and probably evolution will be creating more viruses in 20 years, despite new diseases, it is estimated that by that moment population will have increased...
407 Words 1 Page

Space Exploration: Reasons For American Government To Explore Space

John M. Logsdon in his paper, ‘space Exploration’ defines Space Exploration as ‘the investigation, by means of crewed and uncrewed spacecraft, of the reaches of the universe beyond Earth’s atmosphere and the use of the information so gained to increase knowledge, and benefit humanity’ (Logsdon). Current space exploration mainly involves research, and that is why...
1984 Words 4 Pages

Universe: The Basics Of Cosmology

For my project, I decided to do the universe. Science and astronomy have been my favorite subject since I was 2. But when people think about astronomy they think about space. But space is just the beginning of astronomy. Even NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Key prefix: Aero! Aero equals flight. Not...
366 Words 1 Page

Importance Of Space Exploration For Humanity

The feeling of exploration is essential to human survival. For millions of years, our species has done nothing but explore the vast earth and sea. There are many ways to explore. Some of them are exploring the black sky itself or the unknown universe. The universe is bigger and stranger than any of us know....
853 Words 2 Pages

Mars - The Red Planet: General Characteristics

Mars. It is commonly known as the Red Planet and is the fourth planet from the Sun. Welcome to the planets of the solar system series and today we’ll be taking a look at Mars. Let’s take a look at Mars’s physical characteristics. The Red Planet as it is commonly called gets its color from...
1581 Words 3 Pages
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