Essays on Bioterrorism

Bioterrorism: Infectious Agents Utilized In Biological Warfare

There are several infectious agents that have been utilized in biological warfare. Although exposure to these types of cases is rare, anesthesia providers should be aware of the possible treatments and anesthesia implications for patients who have been exposed to these infectious agents. Early recognition is key, as the nurse anesthetist can then implement the...
1213 Words 3 Pages

Healthcare And Bioterrorism: Types of Agents And Ways To Combat Them

Bioterrorism is when someone intentionally releases a virus or bacteria that to make people ill or cause death. Anthrax, plague, smallpox, and viral hemorrhagic fevers are all examples of bioterrorism agents. Bioterrorism can cause not only illness and death, but it causes panic and mayhem. While the threat of a bioterrorism attack has declined, it...
959 Words 2 Pages

Bacillus Anthracis As An Agent Of Bioterrorism

Introduction Bacillus anthracis (B. anthracis) which is the causative agent of anthrax comes from the genus Bacillus. It is a common disease occurring in livestock and human. It is a gram-positive bacterium with rod-shaped and endospore-forming. Anthrax is believed to be first discovered during ancient times around 700 BC according to ancient writings. Then, in...
1479 Words 3 Pages

The Weaponizing Of Biology: Biological Warfare

Weapons, a thing designed or used to inflict bodily harm or to cause physical damage. Today when the word weapon is used, it is natural for one to assume a firearm of some sort or an assault rifle. In medieval times this could’ve been your common sword, perhaps a mace or a spear, but what...
2820 Words 6 Pages

Bioterrorism: Contemporary Issues In Food Safety

In a world of food lovers, who is watching out for their safety? From topics ranging from tampering and bioterrorism to different food safety barriers that are globally interconnected to the environment, consuming food is more dangerous than ever. Consumers must be extra cautious and really take into context where and how their food was...
631 Words 1 Page

Anthrax: Characteristics And Usage For Bioterrorism Attacks

Anthrax Anthrax is caused by a rod-shaped, gram-positive bacteria with the name of Bacillus Anthracis. If not treated properly and immediately it could become a very serious infectious disease. Humans could get infected with the bacteria if they get in touch with infected animal products or sick animals. Anthrax has four forms of manifestation: intestinal,...
1921 Words 4 Pages
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