Essays on Terrorism

Critical Evaluation Of The Types Of Counter-Terrorist Policies Employed In Northern Ireland In The Period Of The ‘Troubles’

A critical evaluation of the types of counter-terrorism policies employed in Northern Ireland in the period of the ‘Troubles’ (1970-98). Various counter-terrorist policies were employed in Northern Ireland in the period of the ‘Troubles’ to combat activity of the IRA (Irish Republican Army) and due to a split in December 1969 (McCleery, 2012, p.412), its...

War, Peace and Terrorism: Critical Analysis

If somebody talks about war and peace now a day, they have to talk about terrorism too. After a lot of terrorism attacks and wars a lot of question are arisen such as is terrorism an act of war or is there a war against terrorism. Another question is why is it so hard for...
1669 Words 4 Pages

The Similarities And Differences In Counter-terrorism Efforts In Dealing With ISIS And Al-Qaeda

Introduction Terrorism according to Hoffman is the “violence -or the threat of violence-used and directed in pursuit of, or in service of, a political aim.” Also, Louise Richardson believes that terrorism is “deliberately and violently targeting civilians for political purposes.” In this research, we will discuss the counter-terrorism efforts that have been taking to counter...
2756 Words 6 Pages

Possible Counterterrorism Policies Against ISIS

Islamic State, ISIS or ISIL started as a splinter group of Al-Qaeda after the war in Iraq. In 2012 and 2013 ISIS troops quickly seized vast areas of Eastern Syria, establishing control in Western Iraq in 2014. (CNN Library, 2019). “The world watched in shock as the group claimed cities, seizing numerous oil fields and...
1506 Words 3 Pages

Cyber Terrorism: Its Degree And Dangers

The point of this paper is to dissect the idea of cyber terrorism. Cyber terrorism is a worldwide issue and is a major test that we are confronting today. It covers a wide scope of assaults. For the term ‘Cyber Terrorism’ numerous implications are there, for example, PC misuse, PC wrongdoing, financial surveillance or data...
1464 Words 3 Pages

Ways Of Regulating And Preventing Cyber Terrorism

Cyber terrorism is the process by which terrorists pre-mediate on how to use the internet to damage information, computer system, computer programs, and data to inflict digital and physical harm in an organization. According to Gross(2016), physical and digital harm is made of business loss, loss of resources and reputation damage. Cyber terrorism is mostly...
1412 Words 3 Pages

Cyber Terrorism as A Threat Of The Twenty First Century

Cyber terrorism is becoming a bigger and bigger issue for large companies and corporations across the globe. The use of the internet and its interconnectedness serves as a double-edged sword for these companies and corporations. The definition of Cyber Terrorism according to Merriam-Webster is “terrorist activities intended to damage or disrupt vital computer systems” (Merriam-Webster)....
1515 Words 3 Pages

Anthrax: Characteristics And Usage For Bioterrorism Attacks

Anthrax Anthrax is caused by a rod-shaped, gram-positive bacteria with the name of Bacillus Anthracis. If not treated properly and immediately it could become a very serious infectious disease. Humans could get infected with the bacteria if they get in touch with infected animal products or sick animals. Anthrax has four forms of manifestation: intestinal,...
1921 Words 4 Pages

Bioterrorism: Contemporary Issues In Food Safety

In a world of food lovers, who is watching out for their safety? From topics ranging from tampering and bioterrorism to different food safety barriers that are globally interconnected to the environment, consuming food is more dangerous than ever. Consumers must be extra cautious and really take into context where and how their food was...
631 Words 1 Page

War On Terror: Pakistan’s Prospective Strength And Vulnerability

Introduction Terrorism is relatively new term used internationally, for the destructive activities of international organizations which threaten the global peace. There are many different definitions given by different organization to define Terrorism. Official United States Government Definition of Terrorism ‘[An] act of terrorism, means any activity that (A) involves a violent act or an act...
4067 Words 9 Pages
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