Essays on Crime Prevention

Drug Testing In An Employment Setting

With the rise of cannabis use, there has been a subsequent increase in the legalization of the recreational and medical use of the drug in select states. Consequently, the need to reevaluate the current pre-employment drug screening processes is apparent. Cannabis is legal in eleven states for people over the age of twenty-one, and legal...
519 Words 1 Page

Cases Which Influence The Criminal Procedure

Abstract In October during the year of 1973, Memphis police officers received a call for a burglary. Once the officers arrived, they split up to search the premises. One officer seen a fleeing suspect who was 15 year old Edward Garner. The officer shines his flashlight on Garner and was able to see that Garner...
842 Words 2 Pages

Disputes Concerning Capital Punishment

Capital Punishment Capital punishment is a legal penalty used by twenty nine states in the United States. It is the only nation in the developed western world that applies this form of punishment regularly. People who have committed serious crimes deserving of hefty punishments are usually issued the death penalty. The widespread belief that the...
1570 Words 3 Pages

The Canadian Criminal Justice System

Since the beginning of society, humans have had a system of justice. Many were based on religion and were incredibly violent. Modern systems are trying to correct criminal deviance while keeping a proper degree of equity throughout the court process. The criminal justice system is constantly undergoing evolution, so are its advantages and disadvantages. Police...
1498 Words 3 Pages

Capital Punishment: Review Of Studies

This article has been chosen because it is so controversial and divides many countries apart, whilst many countries have banned it, it is still in use in many countries. I am a citizen of Pakistan where the death penalty was re-legalized quite recently, but it has not been used correctly as there are too many...
2186 Words 5 Pages

Benefits Of Pill Testing

Joseph Pham, 23 years of age, Diana Nguyen, 21 years of age, Callum Brosnan, only 19 years of age and my son, nineteen year old Alex Ross-King are some of the latest victims of drug deaths at recent music festivals. Each had very different circumstances, Alex took just one pill that he believed was ecstasy...
1051 Words 2 Pages

The Scope, Causes, And Effectiveness Of The Juvenile Justice

The Juvenile Justice System For this assignment, you will write a 1,500-2,000 word case study that analyzes the scope, causes, and effectiveness of the juvenile justice system with respect to a particular type of crime commonly committed by juveniles. Introduction · Identify a type of crime commonly committed by juveniles and explain why you selected...
1322 Words 3 Pages

Criminal Procedure Is Unique To The Specific Country

Each country has a unique criminal justice system where their criminal procedure each is unique to that specific country. The United States, Germany, China, and Malaysia are key examples of this uniqueness, where despite similarities especially considering that their goal is the same, they attempt to achieve this in different ways. These countries may meet...
1151 Words 3 Pages

Youth Justice System: Routine Activity Theory (RAT) And General Strain Theory (GST)

The youth justice system aims to uphold the rights of children, keep them safe and promote their physical and mental wellbeing. However, it is through youth justice services and case management that supervision, rehabilitation and reintegration into the community of delinquent youth is accomplished. Specifically, micro theories such as Routine Activity theory (RAT) and General...
1537 Words 3 Pages

Juvenile Justice System: Case Analysis

Emile, a 16 year old boy convicted of murder is tried as an adult in Kansas. After only a few weeks in federal prison, he is physically assaulted by an adult inmate causing his paranoia and anxiety to increase in severity. Emile struggles with his emotions and feelings long after the incident, and doesn’t receive...
849 Words 2 Pages
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