Difference Between Methodist Vs. Baptist

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Though both religions are Christian and feature Baptism as a staple part of their frame work, how it is included and some of their individual beliefs/practices are incredibly different thus leading to two very different belief processes.

Today we’re going to fully outline the difference between methodist and baptist so that you’ve got a full understanding of how the two operate, and what those who follow either religion believe in.

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Definition Of Methodist

A Methodist is:

‘A methodist is a member of an 18th century originating Christian Protestant denomination where Baptism is allowed for anyone, of any age.’

As you’ll soon discover, it’s this ‘all access’ thought process behind baptism that makes the Methodist religion completely distinguishable from the practices and thought processes held by a Baptist.

Firstly, not only can anyone of any age get Baptised if they are a Methodist but it’s the means by which baptism can take place that are also massively expanded here. This can occur via immersion, casting or dusting. In other words, it’s a total free for all.

This leads to a much more open structure when compared to Baptism. This is also true of several other areas including communions which are open to all, and even the means by which a Methodist practices Christianity. Methodists aren’t rooted in fundamental beliefs, but Baptists are.

Though they’re both Christian religions, a great deal of the methodist vs baptist comparison lies in one being rigid in structure and the other being far more adaptable. Let’s analyse the structure of Baptism now for a clearer understanding.

Definition Of Baptist

A Baptist is:

‘An individual belonging to a denomination of Protestant Christians who advocates the use of Baptism only via the total immersion of an Adult.’

The above definition itself probably clears up any confusion for those who have been asking the all-important question what is the difference between a methodist and baptist with its clear definition of how the two vary in their approach to the baptism process itself.

Whereas the Methodist religion is entirely open to not only the means by which one can be Baptised, but also the age range for performing the ritual. Baptist baptisms can only occur via immersion and only for an adult.

Methodist communions are also open to all, whereas this is not the case for a Baptist gathering which is closed. Pastors are also male only in the Baptist structure whereas they can be male or female in the Methodist framework.

This makes for a far more rigid structure for one when compared to the other religion, one that also roots its belief in fundamental Christian practices and outlooks whereas Methodists have a far more free form and non-fundamental approach in contrast.

To help create a clearer difference between the two we’ll outline a quick reference table in the next section to make comparisons easier at a quick glance.

Main Differences Between Methodist Vs Baptist

In the below table you’ll find the key differences between methodist vs baptist accessibly laid out for quick review purposes any time you find yourself confused about this subject in the future.

  • Differences: Methodist / Baptist
  • Belief Type: Non-fundamental / Fundamental
  • Baptism Process: Multiple processes used / Only the immersion process used
  • Pastor Gender; Male or female / Male only
  • Communion Type: Open / Closed
  • Baptism Age: Any age / Adults only

On the whole, the fundamental differences separating the two religions are on clear display when casting a quick glance over the table in this section. Should you need a quick refresh these are the main points to remember.

Difference Between Methodist And Baptist: Conclusion

We hope that you now feel totally confident about the primary differences between these two religions now that you’ve been able to see their key separation points.

If you get stuck just remember. You can easily sum them up based on the Baptism process and how it’s performed. Methodists have a really open structure whereas Baptists have a very strict structure.

Remembering this one key area alone will allow you to easily split the two going forwards.


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