The Role Of The Spirit In The Eucharist

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Study Questions for essay “The Role of the Spirit in the Eucharist”

First read in your Bibles 1 Corinthians 10:14-22 and 11: 17-36; Matthew 26: 17-30; and John 14:15-18 before reading the article. This is necessary to understand the article.

This essay is a published paper I gave a few years ago on how the Eucharist plays a role in forming us as disciples as well as explaining the role of the Spirit in the Eucharist. It does use some jargon that professional theologians use but I think it is straightforward enough for all of you to understand and profit from.

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Here are some hints on the vocabulary:

First, Eucharist here refers to the Lord’s Supper or Communion. This word does not in itself imply a “Catholic” or “Anglican” interpretation of what happens in Communion. It is simply the Greek word used in the New Testament by Paul and it means “thanksgiving” which is what the Lord’s Supper is all about.

Other points:

  • “hermeneutical clue” in first paragraph simply means that the passage in John 14 you read helps us interpret how Jesus’ promise of the Spirit at the account of the Passover Meal helps us understand how Jesus said he would be present in the future to his disciples. There is no Last Supper in John’s account of that night – just a foot washing is recorded. Many think that is because John thought everyone knew about the Last Supper and he didn’t need to retell it, but that is just a guess.
  • The Greek letters in the second paragraph are pronounced as Koinonia in English. It is the Greek word translated as “participation” in 1 Corinthians 10: 16 and as “fellowship” or “communion” in 2 Corinthians 13:13.
  • On top of page 154 “pneumatology” is taken from the root pneuma (spirit) in Greek and simply means a theology of the Holy Spirit.
  • for Union in Christ see your notes on Baptism.

These questions are for reflection on the article and your personal experiences of communion to share with your small group.

1. After reading the passages in 1 Corinthians, John, and Matthew did any ideas jump out at you that you hadn’t noticed before about the Lord’s Supper?

After reading 1 Corinthians, John, and Matthew my view on the Lord’s supper has not changed much I did get some new ideas and noticed more about how the Lord knows all and all and knew what was going to happen to Jesus.

2. Share here and with each other your own experiences of communion: how and when it is celebrated at your church, what it means to you, etc. There is no right or wrong answer.

At my church communion is share in the sense of the first communion, I necessarily didn’t know the meaning of what the first communion was and now I have a better understanding of it. What it means to me is union and I feel that there is no right or wrong answer.

3. Have you ever experienced the strong sense of community with others when you share the Lord’s Supper that Paul speaks of?

Yes, I have had a strong sense of community with other while sharing the Lords supper that peter speaks of and so far, that has only been with family.

4. Have you ever had negative experiences of communion similar to what Paul was talking about or in other ways?

I personally have not had a negative experience with communion, but I can see how some people may if there not comfortable with the people around them.

5. In the Eucharist we proclaim Jesus’ forgiveness of everyone’s sins. Before receiving the Eucharist, do you understand the importance of self-examination and asking forgiveness for your sins and forgiving others? Is this a practice you would like to start or continue? Who is it right now you need to love and forgive with the unconditional love of God? (answer last question in prayer journal)

Yes, I see that in order to obtain Jesus’ forgiveness one must first see themselves and what they have done wrong before they can improve any relationship with anyone else and forgive others. I would like to start this practice a bit more and improve on it. Right now, the person I need to improve my relationship with right now is mainly myself still and love myself a bit more unconditionally.

6. How does the essay present the role of the Holy Spirit in the celebration of communion? Have you ever experienced a strong sense of the Spirit when receiving Communion?

The essay shows how the holy spirit plays a huge role in the celebration of communion and how without the holy spirit giving its blessing there will be no communion, me myself I have no experienced a huge sense of the holy spirit while receiving communion a slight one yes.

7. Were you surprised to hear how old the use of the eucharistic prayers are – going back to 250AD? What does the role of church tradition mean to you?

I was surprised to hear that because I didn’t know that it was older, I thought it was a bit more modern and didn’t know it tracked that back. In my personal life the role of church traditions doesn’t have that huge meaning to me, because I went to church slightly but want to get back to it.

8. In the article Moll states that “when worshippers stand, kneel, raise their hands…[or receive communion] their experience becomes more powerful, more likely to promote change.” Do you think this is true or not? Why? Has this been your experience?

I do think bowing your head and getting on your knees is a sign of full trust showing how you are at a vulnerable way you have full faith in Christ. I have done this myself and being in this position really gives you more of a sense and puts on closer to God.

9. How can you see “practicing” the Lord’s Supper in worship in a proper context such as Paul speaks of fostering virtues such as generosity, self-honesty, etc. Can you think of other virtues participating in the Lord’s Supper might promote?

Yeah, I think other virtues participating in the Lord’s supper might be promoted by welcoming others, sharing what you have being generous.


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