Germany Versus Indonesia: Comparative Essay

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All countries in the world are different same as Germany and Indonesia is. Each country has its own culture, rules and regulations and characteristics. Germany is located in western side of Europe with its capital berlin while Indonesia is located off the coast of, Indian and Pacific oceans with capital Jakarta.

The country Germany was named when the Conquest of Gaul was making the Romans aware for the first time that there was difference in ethnic between them and their neighbour’s in the 1st century BC. During the power of Hitler Germany was one of the main countries in the world war. (, 2019)

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It is said that Indonesia was controlled by the the Buddhist rulers. During the 7th century the powerful ruler Srivijaya Arose on Sumatra. During that period Hindu religion was in majority while there was also introduction of Islamic religion by the Islamic traders. Japan and Dutch both wanted to occupy Indonesia but due to Japan’s defeat in 1945 by the Indonesian’s the Dutch decided to return back to their colony and on 17 August 1945 Indonesia was declared as an independent country and first president of Indonesia was Sukarno. (thoughtcodotcom, 2019)

Family Life

In most societies, family is extremely important. Family is the basic miniature of the social economic activity, and it is basic unit that constitutes the society. Family means a group of consisting of two parents and their children living together as a unit. Every family has different principles, how they lead a happy and successful life and in this modern era every country is struggling to make progress and wants to become best among all other countries.

In Germany a family is made up of father, mother and between one to three children. People in Germany do not become parents until late in life and as a result, on average mothers are already almost 30 and fathers 35 years old when their first child is born. Father earns the money, mother stays at home with the children – this role model is regarded as outdated, but it still exists in Germany.

Germany needs a lot of children for their future because mostly the family consist of one child or in some two. The most important thing of Germany is that if the family’s income is too low and cannot fulfill its children’s basic needs then the government gives free education to those children. (Anon, 2019)

In Indonesian culture family holds an important place. People in Indonesia mostly consist of a nuclear family of husband wife and children. In Indonesia nowadays both parents work out of the house. In Indonesia parents and elders are highly respected and it is even said there that “Heaven lies under a mother’s feet” (AFS-USA, 2019). Generally, in Indonesia the dinner is eaten together. In home internet connections are rare in Indonesia especially in small towns however you might get in homes in cities. So generally, the student gets less time in spending in social network.

Free Time Activities

This is the time when one is free from workload, domestic chores or from education or business activities and like to go on an activity or complete a hobby or just relax. A hobby is any type of activity conducted in order to enjoy their leisure time. In olden period people used to go to their village or to visit their grandparents and spend some time with them. Though life is changing but still some people exist who love to visit their relatives and go back to their village to spend some time or some people like to explore their country or countries that are nearby.

In the modern era mostly when someone gets some free time people watch television or stays in touch with social media. Now a days when people get free time the first thing comes in their mind is to go to the cinema and watch movies.

When people get more time to spend in their leisure then they go for golfing, cycling, swimming, sightseeing, fishing etc. While some people do Meditation, exercise or join clubs for activities that make them fit.

Even if how busy the world is but there is always time to watch television. Most people even stay awake for nights just to watch movies and television. It is said that television is German’s best friend. According to an annual survey 95% of Germans spend free time in watching television or watch television regularly or at least once/twice a week. Women who are free from their household chores the they usually go for shopping. (Deutschland, 2019)

Indonesia is a country having many ancient ruins and many historical places. People who are new to Indonesia like to explore the ancient and historical places especially the museums. Many people go on one day trip to many small islands nearby. Going to see animals in the zoo is one of the most activity small kids love. Indonesia has many zoo with variety of animals there. Beach is the best place for people to relax. Where people go to the beaches and have some sunbath and enjoy the beach. Playing games on the beach such as beach volleyball is nowadays most interesting sports where you enjoy too. (The Crazy Tourist, 2017)


  1. (2019). HISTORY OF GERMANY. [online] Available at: (>rack=pthc ) [Accessed 13 Oct. 2019].
  2. ThoughtCo. Available at: (2019). History and Geography of Indonesia. [online] at: ( ) [Accessed on 12 Oct 2019]
  3. Anon, (2019). [online] Available at: ( ). [Accessed 11 Oct. 2019].
  4. AFS-USA. (2019). Indonesia: Exploring Indonesian Culture | AFS-USA. [online] Available at: ( ) [Accessed 12 Oct. 2019].
  5. Deutschland, A. (2019). Leisure activities in Germany – television is the Germans’ best friend. [online] Available at:( ) [Accessed 12 Oct. 2019].
  6. The Crazy Tourist (2017). 25 Best Things to Do in Jakarta (Indonesia) – The Crazy Tourist. [online] The Crazy Tourist. Available at: ( ) [Accessed 13 Oct. 2019].


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