Essays on Japan

Tsunami As The Most Dangerous Natural Disaster In Japan

On March 11, 2011, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake hit Japan at 2:46 pm. It continued for 3 minutes and is the greatest earthquake recorded in Japan. As a result, a massive tsunami around the height of 38m equivalent to a 12 story building flooded more than 517km² of Japan’s coast. The epicentre was located 130km...
743 Words 2 Pages

Japan Culture Analysis: Conflict Management Style

Japanese culture is miscellaneous and distinctive and is one of the most developed countries in the world within the past century. The new ideas and developments within their culture still abide by their traditional values. Japan is home to many subcultures that contribute different aspects to every society, both urban and rural. With Japan re-evaluating...
2995 Words 7 Pages

Difference And Similarity Of Two Countries: Japan And Philippines

In our essay , we will tackle the difference and similarities of two countries, Japan and the Philippines. Even though these two countries are near to each other, the people, climate and culture are very different. Japan belongs to the first-class country while Philippines belong to third world country and that was the first difference....
1009 Words 2 Pages

Japan Vs China: Comparison Overview

Japan vs China Japan and China are both Asian countries that attract many visitors for similar reasons such as unique histories and cultures, great food, friendly people, and charming scenery. But there are very certain differences under the surface of similarities. We will compare Japan and China and discuss some of the major differences that...
2542 Words 6 Pages

Potentials And Challenges Of Tourism Development For Japan

Japan is an island country located on the Pacific coast of East Asia and consists of 6,582 islands; however, the main five islands are Honshu, Hokkaido, Shikoku, Kyushu, and Okinawa (MLIT 2007). The physical geography of Japan mostly consists of forests, which make up about 68% of its land area, as well as some mountainous...
1121 Words 2 Pages

General Characteristics Of Japan's Economy

Japan is known to be highly evolved, industrialized and advanced with their technology. They are currently the only country close to stage 5 of the demographic transition model. This means the death rate is much higher than the birth rate. This could affect economic activity as people will most likely have to take up other...
1423 Words 3 Pages

Ways To Improve Tourist Industry In Japan

As you may know, Japan is a very industrialized and rich country located in the Pacific ocean. Japan, despite being a highly developed and productive nation, is cheaper for the country to import resources than to extract and produce them, so that why Japan is also contributing to this problem. Our level of contamination is...
931 Words 2 Pages
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