Essays on Rice

Growing Rice In Australia: History And Advantages

The first person to plant rice in Australia was Jō Takasuka, he planted this rice in south eastern parts of Australia, and he was in parliament in japan. He rented about 35 acres of land from a farmer in Nyah on the Murray River. He planted the first parts of rice in 1906, then in...
614 Words 1 Page

General Information About Rice As A Cereal Grain

Rice is a cereal grain that comes in different shapes, sizes, colours, and tastes. For approximately half the population on earth, people consider rice the staple food for their diet. Rice is mostly consumed in Asian countries however is also enjoyed everywhere around the world. Rice can be found growing in almost all continents however...
845 Words 2 Pages

Rice: Major Insects Pests

Rice is the staple food of Sri Lankan inhabitants. About 1.8 million farm families are engaged in paddy cultivation in Sri Lanka. In both yala & Maha season, paddy cultivation is done. Because of the attacking of major insect-like Stem borers, planthoppers, paddy bugs, thrips to the rice plants, a considerable amount of yield losses...
1222 Words 3 Pages
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