Essays on Scientists & Inventors

Marie Curie As A Very Resilient Person

Resilience is the act off bouncing back adversity. This could mean that how someone goes through bad events in their life. The person that had a lot of resilience is Marie Curie. Marie Curie is a talented physicist, chemist and one of the first people to study radiation. She found 2 new radioactive elements polonium...
877 Words 2 Pages

Marie Curie: A Pioneer Woman In Academia

With a lifespan of only 66 years, Marie Curie became a pioneer woman in academia. Her research on radioactivity, which ironically caused her death, led her to become the first and only woman, not just win two Noble Prizes but in different branches of science. As a result of her commitment and determination, she changed...
599 Words 1 Page

Sir Isaac Newton: The Importance Of His Theories

Do you ever wonder why when something jumps up it comes down? Well, Sir Isaac Newton came up with that theory, and if you wondered what that theory is, its gravity. Sir Isaac Newton was one of the world’s smartest people. He came up with the foundations of physics and he described the force of...
646 Words 1 Page

Stephen Hawking In A Biography Book By Jim Ottaviani And Leland Myrick

The book I’m am Reading is “Hawking” by Jim Ottaviani and Leland Myrick. It’s a biography of Stephen Hawking, one of the most important scientists of our time. “The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it’s the illusion of knowledge.” -Stephen Hawking At twenty-one, he was diagnosed with ALS, a chronic fiber bundle sickness....
960 Words 2 Pages

Alan Turing And His Legacy

Without mathematics our life would be in chaos, there is not a day that goes by that we don’t use math. Whether you’re at the grocery store, balancing a checkbook, cooking, etc, you’re using math. “Math helps to resolve truths and uncover errors” as said by Galileo Galilei. This one mathematician Alan Turing once said,...
512 Words 1 Page

Inventing Solutions: The Story Between Edison And Tesla

Introduction When do people mention the labels of the most famous inventors and entrepreneurs, who do you think of first? Most people’s choices are Thomas Edison’s name. Edison was known to the world mostly because he invented the electric light bulb. In fact, his contribution goes far beyond that. In addition to light bulbs, gramophones,...
1656 Words 4 Pages

Life Sketch Of Thomas Alva Edison

Thomas Alva Edison was Born in Ohio in 1847 in the city of Milan and spent his childhood in Michigan, in the city of port Huron. His parents were Samuel Edison Jr & Nancy Elliott and he was the seventh child to his parents. Thomas attended school only for a few months in his life...
1661 Words 4 Pages

Isaac Newton: My Acquaintance With His Legacy

“What goes up must come down” once said Sir Isaac Newton. Newton was born on January the fourth of 1643 in England, but during that time England had not adopted the Gregorian calendar we use today and used the Julian calendar which marked his birthday on December 25th of 1642. He was born prematurely to...
458 Words 1 Page
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