Strict Regulations On Genetic Engineering To Avoid A Disaster

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Every day there are scientists researching and tampering with the genetics of many plants and animals to improve the living conditions of humanity. Genetic tampering could improve the environment by creating new plants that grow more food and faster than regular plants but it is also a dangerous act that could lead to disastrous consequences. A way to avoid a disaster is by setting strict regulations on genetic engineering.

Genetic engineering can be done with any type of plant, and animals. Genetic engineering is a process that allows scientists to move genes from multiple plants or animals into another species. Genetic engineering has been used to create plants that grow and create more resources faster. Scientists also created disease and drought-resistant plants that require less water and fertilizer than regular plants, and Medicinal foods that could be used as vaccines and other medicines. The plants created produce enough food to sustain the population and environment while the vaccines help to treat diseases or viruses that previously could not be treated.

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On the downside genetic engineering could create unexpected side effects. Those tiny changes in a plant or animals genetic sequence could cause unexpected allergic reactions that wouldn’t happen if it were in its natural state. The release of these mutated species created by genetic engineering could present a huge problem to the environment. Scientists don’t have a way to foretell the changes that a species that was tampered would make on the environment. An accident with that tampering process could cause many major problems. An accident in tampering with the genetics of a virus or bacteria could create a stronger type of virus or bacteria, which could cause a serious epidemic when released. This could be fatal to humans and animals that could cause minor medical problems or even death.

In order to avoid this possible outcome certain restrictions should be put in place. Many previous experiments have proved to have opposite effects unexpected by the scientist that created it. DDT, for example, humans that have Low to moderate exposure have had nausea, diarrhea, irritation of eyes, nose or throat, while higher doses sometimes lead to tremors and convulsions. In animal testing, DDT caused chronic effects on the nervous and immune system and damaged their liver and kidneys. It has also been found that humans, who were exposed to DDT daily, suffered chromosomal damage. DDT is very insoluble in water and stays in the environment for long periods of time. Making it a major polluting hazard. Studies have experimented in regard to the eggshell thinning phenomenon and its effect on birds, and in the eggs laid by birds whose diet included small levels of DDT has shown a decrease in calcium. It’s highly toxic to aquatic species like crayfish and fish. Able to affect all kinds of life on earth, and it’s low decay rate, DDT spreads through the animal chain until it reaches humans. If you don’t want a repeat of this incident there has to be a process in place that the scientist must go through before they create or release the new product.

In all while genetic engineering can be great for everyone there are flaws that could make it really dangerous. The dangers that come from failed genetic tampering are to great a risk to take, which is why there should be restrictions to ensure this planet’s safety.


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