The Necessity Of Media Regulation

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It is necessary to regulate media content?

The media regulation that I want to discuss is the public means of mass communication such as the press, radio and television, film and recorded music as well as the number of new ways of distribution like cable, satellites, disc, tapes and so on. Nowadays, the internet is one of the most important things in our life where it regarded as a “mass medium” and known as a root to the majority in many countries due to the number of public communication functions used to increase for both entertainment and information. Based on one point of view of regulation, the gap or boundary is important between public and private communication means of personal communication as well as a means of dissemination and form of publication.

Regulation refers to the whole process of control or guidance, by established rules and procedures, applied by governments and other political and administrative authorities to all kinds of media activities. It also can be internal and external. Internal controls are applied when speaking of `self-regulation and responding to public pressure and critics from outside.

Regulations are formal and obligatory instructions about the structure, conduct or content material of the media. Examples encompass limits on monopoly possession or media cross-ownership; limits on the quantity of advertising and marketing on television (found in many European media systems); or necessities to have a running or receiving a license for tv or radio. The prison gadget affords an essential category of formal legislation for media, even if not specifically phase of any conversation coverage (as with laws that govern wireless, broadcasting, telephony and different digital communication).

There would be necessary to regulate media content like controlling undesirable content shown on tv or content that being circulated on the internet because most kids nowadays are too attached to devices like TVs, tablets, and smartphones well before they can even speak and walk. By looking at the screen too much can be a bad thing for children because they consistently spend more than 4 hours per day watching TV are more likely to be an overdose on sugar. If they do not regulate the media content, those kids who often view violent acts on TV are more likely to have aggressive behaviour and weird attitudes which would be a problem for our next generation in future.

Also, for those teenagers who play violent and uncensored video games lead to more risky behaviour because the content is full of negatives attitudes such as drinking alcohol, doing drugs, smoking cigarettes, and having sex at a young age so that all the character in games looks cooler, fun and exciting which can influence those teenagers. Studies have shown that teens who watch lots of sexual content on TV are more likely to initiate intercourse or participate in other sexual activities earlier than peers who don’t watch sexually explicit shows.

Besides, it is necessary to regulate media content because it is so easy to catch people attraction through the tv screen. For example, a health expert has research that too many screens about food commercials lead to health problems today. This is because they are bombarded with ads that telling about eating unhealthy food like snacks such as potato chips, McD, chocolates and drink empty calories soft drinks that somehow will become their favourite snack food and encourage them to eat more bad food. Studies have shown that decreasing the number of TV kids watched led to less weight gain and lower body mass index (BMI). Replacing video game time with outdoor game time is another good way to help kids maintain a healthy weight.

Furthermore, many kids under the age of 8, they don’t understand that most of the actin ads are for selling product. They can’t see the difference yet between a tv show and a commercial ad. Therefore, the government should take an action towards ads that perhaps can give a bad influence in terms of language and act to make sure all the children are secured. Research shows that food marketing increases children’s immediate and future consumption, food brand preferences are influenced by product placements and advergames, and childhood obesity is related to viewing commercial television (not viewing DVDs or public television programming).

Not only for children, the marketing of unhealthy products such as alcohol and tobacco also link to negative effects on youth. Alcohol advertising increases the consumption among young adult that already want to try a new thing. Even though tobacco marketing has been banned from television for more than 40 years, youth still expose to television advertising for electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes). It also may cause harm by the overwhelming exposure to all types of marketing, and the images within this marketing, that children and adolescents experience. So, it is very necessary to regulate media content before they spread all over the media. Thus, before they agreed to advertise some ads on the screen, they really should evaluate and filter the content whether it will give a bad effect or not on the people out there.

Next, it is good to regulate media content to improve the security & protection of information because there is a platform that can reach a huge number of people to produce and consume the information such as social media. By using this platform, there would be a lot of fake news that probably can create chaos in society. For example, our world was shocked when got the news about the death of Dwayne Johnson, the actor of Jumanji which also popularly known as The Rock, and many people posted sad captions on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and so on. This fake news easily spread out because people easy to share the information without doing any research to prove whether the news is valid or not.

Therefore, publishing also involved in social media where a small group of people communicate and sharing the information with a mass audience. So, the gatekeeping is closed to producers but open to consumers which supply the content that enables the regulation of publication. Social media is very important in economic institutions because a lot of people using it and it easy to advertise news and current information about everything that happened in the world. An individual can create their new profile on social media and can start connecting with other people to collect information or for entertaining purposes. Social media services also use data from users to be their target to advertise something.

There are a group of people in social media which is a user who generates and consume content, users who used for commercial advertising, and managers to lead the speech. Online activities in social media also got protection from government regulation. Social media is far different from traditional publishers because the rules of social media content usually come ex publish after a person is located to have violated a platform’s community requirements. A company probably remove the existing content to create a new one to please the viewers. Thus, social media content material moderation might fluctuate from editorial discretion in publishing an advantage less constitutional protection.

Compared to traditional platforms such as newspapers, society would have more freedom in the press which they can read while commenting compared to when they try to comment on the social media platform, the reporter from any online news will screenshot the comment and post it on their page to gain viewers. This is one of the bad things why simple comments can be a huge effect on society. So, social media managers should evaluate the content of social media to reduce misunderstanding.

Besides, I think that actually society has their own right to choose what they want to hear, watch and believe. However, the media content should still be regulated because if the content is too many exposures and too many uncensored things, society will become much worst. For example, in terms of politics, media content is the most important platform for society to gain information. So, if there is fake news about the government such as our previous president scandal about 1MDB gave a huge impact on government parties and it also is the reason why the government falls to the ground. However, until now, there are no proven shows that 1MDB is fake or valid news.

The reason why I said that it is necessary to regulate media content to avoid some issues of primarily public concern such as the protection of public order and the security of the state to save our country. Also as maintaining respect for public mores in matters of taste and decency so that society so that they can just speak whatever they want and ignore sensitivity among society which can maintain our dignity unlike US media, their citizen can simply write everything bad about their president and can create memes of their president’s face without getting any action from their government compare to our government rules, those individual will get punished.

Add, by regulating media content, we also can maintain cultural standards and supporting the national or regional culture and language where we have to take care of our own behaviour while involving in social media. By doing this, it shows that we are respecting human rights of expression and safe from insult and prejudice from others. This is because, by tweeting, updating on Twitter, writing captions, everything on social, we have to think about many things to avoid misunderstanding and sensitivities from other cultures and races since we a living with many races in this country so everything is countable. Sometimes, our caption on social media can lead to chaos in society so we really have to watch our words.

The conclusion is the world rules of new media technologies is to make certain the cultural diversity in media content, and provide a free space for the public get the right of entry to and several opinions and thoughts without censorship. 


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