Types And History Of Serial Murder

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This essay will display the types of serial crimes and the reasons for these acts. For this type of crime, it may take investigators from the moment the crime was reported to questioning victims and scanning crime scenes to figure out the type of killer and the killers’ motives. It takes many experts such as mental health, law enforcement officials who have dealt with such cases, and experienced investigators. The Behavioral Analysis Unit is commonly for this type of crime. This essay will also discuss certain cases that were related to homicide and the different areas that deal with homicide.

Types of serial murder

The most common types of homicide in Arizona are First-degree murder with notice of intent to seek the death penalty. Exasperating situations may apply when murder is especially cruel and malevolent. Second-degree, murder is a murder committed deliberately without planning or results in reckless behavior. Could result in 10 to 22 years in prison. Manslaughter is when death is committed to reckless behavior. Driving drunk may result in reckless behavior if it results in death. Which can lead to a 3 to 12.5 years in prison. Negligent homicide is a death that results from criminal neglect. Negligence is a risky behavior that strays from the normal standard of care. Some DUIs may result in death could be placed in this category. Punishment ranges from probation with no jail time, to 3.75 years in jail. (‘Criminal Defense Lawyer – Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale, Mesa, Chandler.’ p. 1)

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History of serial murder

According to View Serial Murder: Multi-Disciplinary Procedures for Investigators homicide or serial murder is neither a new singularity nor is it exclusively American. Dating back to ancient times, serial murderers have been recorded around the world. In the 19th century Europe, Dr. Richard Von Krafft-Ebing directed some of the first documented research on violent, sexual offenders, and the crimes they committed. Serial murder is a relatively rare occurrence, estimated to conciliate less than one percent of murders committed in a year. This broad-based appeal began in the late 1880s, after a series of unsolved prostitute murders that had taken place in the Whitechapel area of London. These murders were devoted by the serial killer “Jack the Ripper.’

Murder cases

The articles that were being discussed in class were commonly in murder cases. The cases that caught my attention was the one about the death of a little girl who was beaten to death by her father for not doing her homework. That the father had blacked out while committing this act, in a sense or relatively speaking, her father might have had a mental illness or might have a physical illness such as high blood pressure. This act could result in second-degree murder. (Powell, 2019, p. 1)

Murder cases

Another case that was being conserved in class, was a mother and three children who were reported missing. The key suspect to the report would be the divorce the husband. Of course, the husband would try to act as he has never seen her around a certain time or day. Until the investigators bring out a search warrant. They do find something but do not have the bodies. So, they then seize the suspects phone and find something about disposing of a body. Now, they could charge the husband with first-degree murder.


  1. Criminal Defense Lawyer – Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale, Mesa, Chandler. (n.d.). Retrieved June 1, 2019, from https://cantorcriminallawyers.com/
  2. Powell, N. (n.d.). Remains of the body believed to be Maleah Davis arrive in Houston. Retrieved June 1, 2019, from https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/remains-of-body-believed-to-be-maleah-davis-arrive-in-houston/ar-AACfjFb
  3. View Serial Murder: Multi-Disciplinary Procedures for Investigators. (n.d.). Retrieved June 1, 2019, from http://ct2learn.com/els/resources/ebooks/serial-murder-multi-disciplinary-procedures-investigators/view-serial-murder-multi-disciplinary-procedures-investigators/


At the end of this essay, I have learned the importance of classifying types of crimes. Also, I have learned a little bit of history due to the research of this assignment. Another interesting topic I have come across was the actions committed of a mentally ill patient such as murder or arson. How would you prosecute this type of behavior?


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