Wi-fi Essay: My Personal Opinion

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My WIFI Essay

Can you imagine a world with nothing made easy, a world with no messages you can only write a letter? How would humans function, how would this world function? Everything would take a long time for something so simple to talk to someone. In 2019 we are so spoilt and we don’t even know it because we have the amazing gift of WIFI.

WIFI, it is a tool used by billions of people today, but what impact has this Australian invention had on Australian society and on this world? WIFI has had a massive impact on Australia. This invention also has provided communication between different countries which has helped the world and Australia in many ways.

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WIFI has changed and has played a massive role in developing and creating this society.

WIFI is extremely complicated so how was it created? WIFI was created when John O Sullivan a radio astronomer with his team Terence Percival, Graham Daniels, and Diet Ostry working on a project that can detect a mini black hole explosion the size of an atomic particle. The CSIRO ( commonwealth scientific and industrial research organization used the same method as the atomic particle detector to create WIFI. This amazing invention has changed the world has evolved and now there is 5g that allows us to have our answers in second.

The name WIFI is quite unique and also known by the entire world. The name WIFI came from the acronym wireless created by john o Sullivan because the internet has to be connected to a router and that’s why WIFI was invented because otherwise there is no point of creating the name WIFI or WIFI.

How did WIFI become famous immediately, did john o Sullivan know that it was going to become worldwide? John o Sullivan created WIFI to help people even though it was not planned to be used as a communication system it was supposed to be worldwide. John o Sullivan did not make the wrong decision.

WIFI is a very important part of our lives but how was it used in 1971? In 1971 when WIFI was released it was used in the same ways we do now just not as many people and a lot slower than our 5g 1-second WIFI. It was used for communication, education, everyday workers, and other needs that have evolved into 2019. How would this world work with no WIFI?

WIFI is the tool that changed Australia but also the entire world. This tool has impacted Australia and still will. Humans take WIFI to their advantage and use it for useless games and things that can hurt or harm people, but WIFI’s long and amazing history was awesome to learn about.


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