Essays on World Cultures

Traditional Chinese Art And Culture In Modern Art Design

Art has been utilised for communicating messages and educating people for centuries. Even artists from the early Western period used art in this manner. Because of this, the elements of their works hold significance (Baig, 2020). Graphic design, which is a form of art, involves the exchange of colour and graphics information transmission. Graphics are...
1955 Words 4 Pages

Cultural Variables In Saudi Arabia

Geographical location Saudi Arabia is the dry and densely populated kingdom of the Middle East. Saudi Arabia has most of the Arabian Peninsula, with the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba toward the west and the Persian Gulf toward the east. Neighboring countries are Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, the Sultanate...
2470 Words 5 Pages

Cultural Differences Between Saudi And American Culture

The cultural differences between Saudi Arabia and America will be discussed according to Hofstede five cultural dimensions. Power distance This dimension is the most popular category in Hofstede’s study. It considers the degree to which inequality and power are accepted. The power distance dimension is viewed and accepted by the low-level citizens. Cultures varies from...
449 Words 1 Page

Comparing Saudi Arabia And Australian Culture: Family, Gender, Power And Authority

The commonalities and differences of stereotypical Australian and Saudi Arabian culture can be presented through the aspects of family, gender, power and authority. These aspects have an imperative role in maintaining the foundation of both cultures and are treated differently in each. This report will demonstrate that each aspect can influence another whilst integrated, observed...
1132 Words 2 Pages

The Cultural Diversity Of Pakistan

According to United Nation data, Pakistan’s population is 219,159,481, based on Worldometer elaboration, conducted on February6,2020 which is equal to 2.83% of the world’s population. Ethnically, Pakistan is a diverse country. Basically, Pakistan is divided in four provinces; Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, and three territories; Islamabad capital territory, Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir. Pakistani...
765 Words 2 Pages

The Impact Of American Culture On Culture

Some believe that Britain is the 51st state. That claim can be considered logical from a cultural perspective. The global spread of American culture contributed by America’s dominance and rooted by ideas of exceptionalism has had an effect on the whole world, particularly the UK. America’s soft power-culture, political values, and foreign policies- has had...
799 Words 2 Pages

The Role Of Media In Building European Identity

Introduction Media has been at the forefront of public influence ever since mass production of the newspaper began, during the industrial revolution (Unwin, Unwin & Tucker, 2019). Since then, many techniques have been developed across different mediums, which shape and influence our minds, culture, thoughts, beliefs and opinions (Manzaria & Bruck, 1999). These techniques, for...
2230 Words 5 Pages

The Impact Of Westernisation On Traditional Cultures

Culture consists of the customs and beliefs of a community, passed down from generation to generation in the form of religion, folklore, language and music. It is these cultural practices that have led traditional communities to prosper, for people in these communities follow the expected due to consistency, without being thinkers or seekers. However, modern...
1321 Words 3 Pages

Features That Define The American Nation

Just as Jimmy Carter said, American society is a melting pot of people, nationalities, beliefs. However, there is something that unites them all. Some would say freedom, some – democracy. I have not answered for myself, but after the research and assessment, I can make several conclusions about American culture and America itself. Unlike the...
619 Words 1 Page
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