Essays on Actors

Patch Adams: Character Analysis

Hunter Adams doesn’t see a purpose in his life. He attempts suicide and commits himself to a psychiatric hospital. There he sees the misery and unhappiness of the patients. He doesn’t like the attitude and conduct of the workers and the doctors at the hospital. For example, during his therapy session the psychiatrist does not...
1284 Words 3 Pages

The Grand Budapest Hotel: Masterpiece Of Wes Anderson

Wes Anderson’s “The Grand Budapest Hotel” is an incredibly made visual masterpiece. Inspired by the writings of Stefan Zweig, Anderson accomplished his goal of creating a special atmosphere to the film using the techniques he is well known for. The movie won four academy awards, including the best achievement in production design, costume design, music...

Wes Anderson: Analysis Of The Grand Budapest Hotel

The Grand Hotel Budapest is the film of the great Wes Anderson. In this film, Wes Anderson used many techniques to complement the film and make it more interesting and mysterious, so that each viewer enjoyed the whole picture of the film and the game of actors. Watching this movie, I noticed many excellent techniques...

Charlie Chaplin: The Ingenuine Mind of Hollywood

Cinema: A Critical Dictionary regarded as an encyclopedia of cinema’s most influential people, marks “Charlie Chaplin [as] arguably the single most important artist produced by cinema, certainly its most extraordinary performer and probably still its most universal icon” (Sarris). With a seemingly unparalleled drive to create films of the utmost perfection that captured audiences through...
2285 Words 5 Pages

Patch Adams: Critical Thinking Movie Review

Hunter (Patch) Adams is the main character of this movie in which he is a middle-aged man that one day carries himself into a mental ward for trying to commit suicide. It’s there where he is given the nickname “Patch” and identifies that he has an eagerness to help people through understanding, laughter and having...
1079 Words 2 Pages

Analysis Of Patch Adams: Opinion Essay

1. I would characterize Patch Adams’ personality as emotionally stable. According to Schulz and Schulz (2012), “…neurotics are characterized as anxious, depressed, tense, irrational, and moody. They may also have low self-esteem and be prone to guilt feelings” (The Dimensions of Personality, para. 12.). Patch Adams does not fit into the category of a neurotic,...
758 Words 2 Pages

Charlie Chaplin In Modern Times: Film Analysis

“Charlie Chaplin:Tempos Modernos” The movie is all about Modern Time, Charlie Chaplin is the main cast of the movie. Where he is coping up with the modern time or with modern machines. It portrays how people start to try hard just to cope up with modern time. Charlie is a factory worker with the modern...
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