Critical Analysis of British Values

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The British Values are a fundamental part of creating a diverse and modern community, within the UK. The British Values consists of Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance, and Individual Liberty, all of which are important aspects to personal and work life.

Democracy comprises of everyone being aware of their rights and responsibilities. It is a culture which is built upon equality and freedom. Democracy is one of the main values which is present within the workplace as some examples include receiving and giving feedback, team meetings and accountability. Outside of work, one example of democracy would be the right to protest and petition. If you feel strongly about something and believe that protesting could make a difference, you are free to do so. This might affect personal relationships in the sense that people will see you to be passionate about that agenda.

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The second value, Rule of Law, is about having certain rules and laws to keep everyone safe and happy. This could be, for example, certain health and safety regulations at work, or sticking to the speed limit when driving home from work. They are all there for a reason, to create a safe and secure environment to live and to work, to enable everyone to create meaningful relationships with one another.

Another British Value is Respect and Tolerance. Being able to understand and respect that everyone has different values and beliefs, whilst ensuring to not push our own values onto others. This point can hugely affect personal relationships and work relationships. If you have something in common with someone, i.e. religion and beliefs, you are more likely to converse with them due to that commonality, rather than someone who isn’t religious and has no beliefs. If you do create a relationship with someone who has different beliefs, you need to ensure that you do not discriminate, label or stereotype due to this.

Finally, the last value is Individual Liberty, the protection of your rights as well as the rights of the people you work with. This includes items such as human rights and equality, personal development and respect and dignity. In this day and age, this should be something that is employed throughout all businesses and work relationships, such as banishing the gender pay gap and respecting people for their sexual orientation etc. In your personal life, it is important to remember that everyone is equal and no-one is above another. If you adhere to this, your personal relationships will have great benefit.


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