Benefits of Being Yourself: Argumentative Essay

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Here are so many benefits that one can enjoy by being their authentic selves. These can include gaining trust from other people and yourself. You get to trust your intuitions, you will have more confidence in yourself, you can make positive decisions, you will enjoy wholeness, you can inspire others, you will emerge a happy person, you will experience the simplicity and so many others.

In my journey, I discovered that the benefits of being yourself outweigh the benefits of hiding the real you just because of what you think people will say or think about you. I thoroughly enjoy a simple life. Below are some of the benefits I enjoy while being my authentic self.

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A happy person

You are responsible for your happiness, never outsource this to others or expect your happiness to depend on their approval. You will find yourself happier, satisfied, and relieved when you can express your true self.

When you realize you are in charge of your actions, you will find it a lot easier to own your happiness and be comfortable in your decisions. Also, when you own your happiness, it drives you to always look out for the things that contribute to your authentic self and embrace them.

Healthy life

When you are your authentic self your physical and mental well-being will be intact because you are not under pressure to other people’s opinions and thoughts that do not agree with you.

Your stress level will be reduced because you are not pretending to be someone else. Also, you will be more focused on what you want, as you are not stressing to meet up to people’s expectation.

The barrage of opinions and expectations can be depressing and thus can affect one’s health, however, being true to your authentic self helps you not to succumb to the constant criticism or judgemental attitude.

Showcase your creativity

Being true to yourself enhances your unique abilities. It enables you to show the world your creativity and your uniqueness is being appreciated. When you are not your real self, your creativity is hidden because you are striving to live in someone else’s world, however, your true self opens door to your overlooked passion.

An authentic life is filled with creativity because the use of one’s creative prowess boost confidence to venture into other areas of life where you might have previously felt limitation.

Aids in making decisions

When you discover your true self, it helps you with your daily decision-making process. You don’t have to make decisions based on your feelings, but rather you make decisions based on a deep personal conviction. This is so because your decisions are not based on the person you are trying to imitate, but on what you want.

Decision making plays a major role in our lives and the outcome of your day is mostly based on your decisions. What you don’t want is to have your life governed by people’s decisions. Thus, if you are your authentic self, your decision-making process will be seamless and not biased by other people. you will be more productive and attain greater results.

Gain respect

Another benefit of being yourself is that you will attract people who will respect your honest values and the real you. You will automatically command respect. When you let go of your approval addiction, you will find that people won’t take advantage of your meekness, and this comes with learning to say no when necessary, trying not to please everyone, and being bold in standing for your values.

Also, respect is reciprocal. For you to attract respect from outside, first of all, gain respect for yourself. When you feel good about yourself, what is working right for you, and what you have, you will naturally attract respect.

Feel positive

When you break a bad habit, you will form a positive mindset about life in general. You will feel courageous, confident in yourself and be able to trust yourself more than ever before. The feeling of ‘I can do it’ will become your lifestyle.

Even when life throws you off balance, keep going because you know you are on the right track. A positive attitude makes you want to achieve more; don’t settle for anything less because you know your worth. Although it is very easy to give up when you don’t trust your value, a positive attitude makes you stand up for your right.

Likewise, don’t spend time guessing what other people are thinking about you when you are convinced about where you stand.

Good relationships

Being your authentic self opens doors to healthy relationships with people. You will stop hunting for friends and trying to please everyone to be their friends. Feelings of isolation and insecurity will disappear and the void of loneliness will be filled up with healthier relationships.

You will enjoy spending time with people that love you for who you are and the way you are. There won’t be space in your life for those who don’t value you or that look down on you.


When you are your authentic self, you are in control of your feelings, emotions, and values. No longer will you live in pretence or focus on other people’s values. You will have confidence in yourself, your actions and decisions. You can differentiate and resist between good and bad habits without yielding to external pressure.

You will have no problem in expressing your true self because you do what you love and what you believe in.

Peaceful life

Being your true self will allow you to relax in your own space, you will have less stress in aiming to be like someone else. You will be content with what you have and even prudent in your spending. Your authentic self is at peace because you have a strong sense of self-validation.

You will not be afraid of criticism and negative judgements even if you are aware of them, because your main drive is to be the best of you.

One last word. Never allow others to live your life for you, rather purpose to take little determined steps, to unlock the path to awaken the authentic you.


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