Essays on Culture

Satire Of Indian Marriage And Culture In Wedding Album By Girish Karnad

Abstract: Literature is always called as the reflection of society. Society is connected with culture. The effect of culture is always seen in the literature. Same is applicable to Indian Literature. ~C.S. Lewis rightly pointed out, “Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires...
3463 Words 8 Pages

Punjabi Culture: An Indigenous Reflection

“ Every child born in this world has their own identity which is built and strengthened by various steps according to their culture” (Rundle,A., Shanski, D., 2015). Then, the baby’s shaped by the family, society, traditions and experiences where they raised up. It is also recognized that family has a great impact on the development...
1399 Words 3 Pages

My Childhood In Punjabi Culture

Every belief is a lens. These lenses determine the color, shape, and clarity of one’s world. As a child of multiple antithetic cultures, I have several lenses shaping my vision, effectively blurring the lines of my perception. Finding the balance between my parent’s Sikh culture,and my culture of the American youth presented the greatest challenge...
837 Words 2 Pages

Festival: The Use Of Large Tents For Outdoor Events

The original impetus for these large temporary structures was the development of ‘festival culture’ in the 1950s and 60s, cumulating in the arrival of events such as Glastonbury during the flower power period in the 70’s. In the 80’s, music festivals also began to use tents to provide weather protection for raves. It then evolved...
1080 Words 2 Pages

Visiting Texas Renaissance Festival

I attended the Texas Renaissance Festival located on a large plot of land in Todd Mission, Texas. Since it is set during the Medieval era, you could sum up the culture as the dark ages where technology, education, medicines, and much more were lost after the fall and disappearance of massive empires. You’re essentially taking...
1336 Words 3 Pages

Balhats (Potlatch) Ceremony As A Huge Festive Ceremony

Introduction Balhats (Potlatch) ceremony is a huge festive ceremony held based on any particular reason includes celebrating sections like dancing, singing and fasting in the name of their birthright and securing the ancestral tradition and values. This essay will explain the Balhats ceremony and its journey in the Nadleh Whut’en first nation territory. Main body...
875 Words 2 Pages

Clash Of Civilizations By Samuel P. Hungtington: Critical Review

The years after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the phrase ‘clash of Civilizations’ was widely heard with a great deal, mainly from the right wings groups opposing that Islam and ‘The West’ were profoundly mismatched with the conflict between them being unavoidable. This kind of thinking was developed in Anders Behring Breivik’s view of the...
1335 Words 3 Pages
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