Essays on Culture

The Impact Of Westernisation On Traditional Cultures

Culture consists of the customs and beliefs of a community, passed down from generation to generation in the form of religion, folklore, language and music. It is these cultural practices that have led traditional communities to prosper, for people in these communities follow the expected due to consistency, without being thinkers or seekers. However, modern...
1321 Words 3 Pages

Features That Define The American Nation

Just as Jimmy Carter said, American society is a melting pot of people, nationalities, beliefs. However, there is something that unites them all. Some would say freedom, some – democracy. I have not answered for myself, but after the research and assessment, I can make several conclusions about American culture and America itself. Unlike the...
619 Words 1 Page

The Development Of Youth Subculture From Britain To Berlin

When subculture firstly appeared in Britain it was clear people were not just belonging to a group by their way of dressing. It was more about, how Barker would say a ,,whole way of life’’ (2012). Several aspects in the late 70’s and 80’s lead to an entire development and movement of these. The establishment...
1947 Words 4 Pages

American And Subcultural Theories On The Cause Of Juvenile Criminality

Within cultures, there are small groups of people that share similar norms, values, and interests which make up subcultures. A definition of the subculture is the lower and deviant status of social groups labelled as this. These labelled groupings are distinguished by their class, ethnicity, language, poor and working-class situations (Cutler, 2006); age or generation...
710 Words 2 Pages

The Influence Of Japanese Culture On Western Art

Throughout time, art has inspired and been inspired. This is seen through many movements that have taken influence from cultures and art from other parts of the world. Western art in particular has been greatly influenced by Japanese painting and woodblock prints. The further development of trade between Asia and Europe allowed the convergence of...

The American Dream As A Manifest Of American Cultural Values

No matter what someone’s ethnicity, language they speak or what colour their skin is, and even their life experiences, everyone that comes to the land of America can understand the idea of the American Dream. The concept of the American Dream is very common to many people in America: freedom and equality to all people,...
855 Words 2 Pages

Comparing Chinese And Japanese Cultures

The population of Japan and China combined is one billion, five hundred, twelve million and eight hundred thousand. Surprisingly, the background of Japan is based on China’s background. China is also known as Zhong Guo– The Middle Kingdom. They chose this name for themselves because the Chinese used to believe China was in the middle...

The Influence Of Japanese Culture On The Global Fashion Industry

When society recalls the words ‘Japanese culture’, the first image that pops into our mind is of the kimono. In reality, the historic roots and the philosophical branches of the Japanese culture and traditions spreads far deeper than we believe. The recognition of Japanese vogue began steadily after the Second World War. During the country’s...
944 Words 2 Pages

African American Vernacular English: Features And Use

There are many different cultures and languages around the world. For years America has claimed other forms of language besides English. Over the years America has become more diverse that the country can no longer ignore its multiple different languages and dialects within its society. One of those dialects being Black American English which is...
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