Essays on Culture

The Effects Of Colonialism On Modern African American Culture

The effects of colonialism in the United States is a reality that many African Americans face in their respective post-colonial societies. There is a thought that colonialism, slavery and racism no longer exist, however it is the complete opposite. African Americans are constantly confronted with the hateful nature and prejudice held against them through recurring...
1999 Words 4 Pages

Globalisation And Western Culture Imperialism

Globalisation is a leading topic of discussion for many countries and cultures around the world as fear of western cultural imperialism is becoming more prominent. Many people believe that their cultural identity is under threat from the increasing dominance of western powers in foreign countries. Through the trade of popular culture such as movies, television...
1357 Words 3 Pages

Modern Interpretation Of Traditional Chinese Culture Of Clothing

The Chinese people traditionally used patterns to express wishes. This is demonstrated on the Chinese traditional dress, the qipao where they used various patterns such as flowers and plants. Many used flowers as each flower had its own unique meaning. For instance, The chrysanthemum is a very popular flower and is portrayed not in just...
1047 Words 2 Pages

Tradition As A Foundation Of A Community

Tradition is the part of the community; it is the body together with our culture synthesized to create a better history as time flies. A tradition for me brings the community its uniqueness where our uniqueness will turn into the symbol of our fellowship. From my perspective, tradition distinguishes us from other nations, and even...
468 Words 1 Page

The Importance Of Preserving Cultural Heritage

Cultural heritage is the legacy of physical artifacts and intangible attributes of a group or society that are inherited from past generations, maintained in the present and bestowed for the benefit of future generations. Cultural heritage includes tangible culture (such as buildings, monuments, landscapes, books, works of art, and artifacts). It also includes intangible culture...
2186 Words 5 Pages

Traditions As A Defining Element Of A Culture

Culture is a complex term defined as religious, traditional beliefs, laws, facts and morals earned by a man as being a member of a society. It influences thinking and shapes the personality and growth of a person. Culture is a mutual programming of the mind which differentiates people of one society from another (Hofstede, 1994)....
1969 Words 4 Pages

Japanese Culture: Social Customs And Rituals

One of the oldest societies in Asia, Japan has a rich culture full of ancient rituals, social customs, traditions, and powerfully held beliefs all with a strong connection to religion and nature. It is the influence of Buddhism and Shinto that has initiated the evolution of the Japanese culture over hundreds of years, marrying ancient...
986 Words 2 Pages

The Impact Of Internet On Subculture

If someone’s life revolves around specific values, interests, or styles, they are most likely part of a subculture. Subcultures are an important part of life for many people. They have been around for ages, and people begin really immersing themselves during their teenage years. Their time spent in a subculture can greatly impact the rest...
1370 Words 3 Pages

We Are Indians, People Of The Indian Subcontinent

Most territories are the results of warfare between parties to gain political and economic advantages. We have familiarized ourselves with the voyages of Christopher Columbus, who had taken the Native’s land on behalf of Spain. A few main purposes of these trips aimed at gaining political and economic authority. Similarly, the Indian Subcontinent rested at...
2024 Words 4 Pages

The Breaux Bridge Crawfish Festival

The Breaux Bridge Crawfish FestivalBreaux Bridge, Louisiana — the Cajun town that’s well-known for its intense relationship with the crustacean most of us know as the “crawfish.” The people of Breaux Bridge loved crawfish so much that the Louisiana Legislature awarded the title of the “Crawfish Capital of the World” to the city during their...
1273 Words 3 Pages
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