Essays on Election

Problems Occurred In Voting

Within the first few months of 2020, many problematic events have occurred. More some relevant than others, such as the global pandemic and the high number of unemployed people during said pandemic. The pandemic is causing many issues society is not used to facing and we are being forced to overcome these obstacles in the...
1376 Words 3 Pages

Voting In The State Of Texas

When it comes to the State of Texas and its politics there have been many historical barriers for voting. The barriers range from economic, political compromises, negotiation cost, and history its self. The people play a big role when it comes to voting, they have the right to decide if they want to participate in...
946 Words 2 Pages

Voting Behaviour: Did Eminem Give The Voice To The People

1.0 Introduction and Problem Statement Hip Hop originated in the streets of New York in the 70s (Rose, 1994). It extends beyond music; it’s a cultural movement that includes graffiti, fashion, and dance (Marriot, 1990). Today we know a lot of different types of hip hop, but in the beginning it was used as an...
3162 Words 7 Pages

Electoral College System Or National Popular Vote

Every four years in the month of November millions of Americans nationwide march to the polling booths to cast their ballots for the United States Presidential Election. While the most recent of these elections was quite controversial due to the discrepancies from the electoral college and the popular vote, it creates pause to truly force...
1281 Words 3 Pages

Electoral College: The Powers And Prerogatives Behind The US Election

The powers and prerogatives behind the US election have continuously captivated global audiences, with the 2016 election becoming of quintessence to not only the interests of America, but rather the world. In the last US election, it was through the electoral college that Donald Trump was able to claim the presidency against Hillary Clinton, despite...
2540 Words 6 Pages
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