Essays on Entertainment

Psychology In Forrest Gump

The goal of this paper is to introduce and examine the 1994 film Forrest Gump. More specifically, it will analyze the character of Forrest Gump as it relates to human development and psychology. The character of Forrest Gump in the film portrays many characteristics of psychology, such as emotion, adult development, limited IQ, behavior, and...

Fantasy Genre: Imaginative Dreamworld Lifestyle In Films, Stories And Television Show

Everybody likes to escape from the real world. Some find it difficult while others live in their imagination. This imaginative dreamworld lifestyle is best escaped to within the fantasy genre. Another description of fantasy, is any work that contains magic or unrealistic settings, normally set in an alternate universe, or involving mythical creatures and supernatural...

Intercultural Competence In My Big Fat Greek Wedding: Film Analysis

My Big Fat Greek Wedding Culture can be defined as the values, beliefs and patterns of behavior shared by a group of people. Each nation will have different culture. Today, since the process of globalization is constant and even irreversible; people will inevitably encounter and work with people from different cultural nations. It contributes to...

Good Will Hunting: Movie Review

Matt Damon plays the role of Will Hunting who is a troubled genius in the movie Good Will Hunting directed by Gus Van Sant. When an individual becomes aware and mindful of their own beliefs and values, it influences one to work their way towards becoming resilient. When individuals are not under the influence of...

Star Wars, A Political Reflection On Society: Movie Review

Abstract Some believe that art imitates life while others may believe that life imitates art. In the world of movies, it’s mostly art imitating life. I am drawing similarities between the masterpiece Star Wars and the world history, Undoubtedly the movie had characters like Jedi, Sith lords, E-woks, droids, etc but the characters were evolved...
3607 Words 8 Pages

Drug Addiction In Requiem For a Dream

Trainspotting and Requiem for a Dream In particular, there are two movies about heroin use that are worth being discussed. These are Trainspotting and Requiem for a Dream. Despite the popular idea that these movies present heroin addiction in the worst possible light, they do, however, romanticize the idea of being a “junkie”. They successfully...
695 Words 2 Pages

Influence Of Video Game On Executive Function And On Stress Reduction

The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between different type of action video game playing and the performance of executive functions. Also, this study is conduct to determine whether playing video games could reduce stress. Many people think that playing video games could lead to negative effects. The current study has found...
4339 Words 10 Pages
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