Essays on Famous Artists

Michelangelo's David As An Example Of Renaissance Sculpture

The statue of David is a world-renowned statue created by the Renaissance artist and sculptor Michaelangelo from 1501-1504. This statue stands massive at 17 feet tall, carved from a solid block of white marble, weighing in at an enormous weight of 12,478 pounds or 6 tons. This beautiful sculpture is host to many outstanding features...
772 Words 2 Pages

Analysing Frida Kahlo's Self-portraits As A Representation Of Her Identity

Introduction This essay will examine Frida’s work named self-portrait with cropped hair from the viewpoint of identity. Identity is the way that individuals perceive and express themselves (Swann, Polzer & Seyle, 2004). In other words, it is about answering the question: “Who am I?”. Different factors that people are born with like sexes, bodies, as...
1205 Words 3 Pages

Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night As An Example Of Post-expressionism

Vincent Van Gogh is considered one of the most well-known post-expressionism artists of his era. He was born in Groot-Zundert, Holland on March 30, 1853, and grew up in a religious and cultural background (Van Gogh Gallery, n.d.). He lacked self-confidence and was temperamental, and in his early years he believed that his true purpose...
1318 Words 3 Pages

Claude Monet's The Seine At Lavacourt: A Visual Analysis

The Seine at Lavacour was created by Claude Monet in 1880. Claude Monet was born on November 14, 1840, in Paris, France. He first was famous by drawing the residents in his town, his talent showed up obviously, caught the attention from Eugene Boudin, a local landscape artist. After meeting with him, Monet started to...
1120 Words 2 Pages

Claude Monet And Edgar Degas As Major Artists Of Impressionism

Impressionism is regarded as one of the most influential and innovative art movements throughout the history of art to so many artists. This art movement had originated in France during the 1870’s thanks to artists like Claude Monet, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Edouard Manet, and Edgar Degas. These artists are celebrated for being independent of the academic...
2427 Words 5 Pages

The Presentation Of Female Nude In Works Of French Impressionists

Females in the Nude was a topic that was approached lightly. Three common nude paintings were Édouard Manet’s Olympia, painted in 1863, Edgar Degas’ The Tub which was painted in 1886 and also Paul Gauguin’s Spirit of the Dead Watching, painted 1892. All three paintings and artists are different in their own right but they...
874 Words 2 Pages

Andy Warhol's Lifestyle And Artwork

Andy Warhol is a renowned American painter, filmmaker, draftsman, and printmaker born in 1928 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Historians regard him as a prolific figure of his time that enthralled the international audience with his aesthetics, appearance, and attitude towards the pop art movement. The artist is well-known for his expertise and experience in commercial art....
892 Words 2 Pages
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