Health Promotion: Definition And Who Responsibilities

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Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not just disease-free or infirmity. WHO (1948).

WHO responsibilities includes: Assisting countries that seek progress toward universal health coverage, helping countries establish their capacity to adhere to the International health regulations, increasing access to essential and high-quality medical products, addressing the role of social, economic, and environmental factors in public health, coordinating responses to non-communicable disease and promoting public health and well-being in keeping with the sustainable development goals, set forth by the UN.

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The definition of health promotion is the one defined by the World Health Organisation. WHO referred Health promotion as the process of enabling people to increase their control over their health and to improve their overall health. During the Ottawa Charter conference in Geneva 1986. The emphasis on requirements for health sustainable aid. The recognition of these health requirements shows the overwhelming links between social and economic conditions, the physical environment, individual lifestyles and health. Promote social responsibility for health, community development activities are intended to encourage and develop, organisation development activities involve promoting health in schools, workplaces and hospitals. Health promotion can allow individuals to make healthier choices and reduce their risk of disease and disability. At the community level, they can eradicate health discrepancies, enhance the quality of life, and better the availability of healthcare and relevant services.

Partnership projects development involve working with people in society, for better education the partnership to promote health (Kelly 2006).

Provision of health information or the provision of correct information about people’s health while attempting to answer questions about health.

Health promotion is established on the overall view of health using activities to focus on the determinants in order to address the issue of health, not just health problems and conditions. The determinants include focusing on the root cause of poor health, wellbeing but also social, behavioural, environmental and economic conditions as well as other aspects like education and income.

Mental health is another part of the health sector that is not given much attention when it comes to health promotion. Christodoulou (2009) emphasised that there is now a slow recognition that there is no health without mental health. Health promotion within mental health is subdivided into positive and negative mental health. Positive mental health involves self-esteem and the ability of an individual to solve their own problems. Policymakers and professionals must be made to understand that mental health and mental issues are day to day issues hence coordination by all relevant bodies such as government, local authorities, industry and voluntary organisation must take part in this initiative to ensure that positive health promotion is maintained.

Every Mind Matters offers a range of useful resources that help spot the signs of common mental health concerns, provides practical self-care tips and guidance and, importantly, explains when to seek further support.

It also has a free NHS-approved online tool on the Every Mind Matters website, which helps people build an action plan to deal with stress and anxiety, boost their mood, improve their sleep and help them feel more in control.

Recently the UK government has launched a public health campaign in a bid to prevent the spread of coronavirus following confirmation of the first cases of the deadly disease. Basic hygiene such as washing hands regularly and using tissues to catch a cough or sneeze are key ways to help slow the spread of the virus, the advice says.

Health Promotion theory is a way in which a set of ideas or concepts is organised through research findings in order to carry out new assumptions.

NHS is the UK’s health sector role model and their aims are to build a better understanding of how to deliver quality healthcare and to take a more preventive approach.

Blood pressure Uk is a registered charity in Uk. The charity helps raise awareness helps risks of high blood pressure. The charity activities focus on encouraging people to check their blood pressure. Every health professional needs to take their blood pressure as part of their professional responsibilities.

I participated in activities where I discussed the effects of sleep deprivation among teens with a group of 20 teenagers in my church. I investigate smartphone usage in bed using discussion, questionnaire and interviews. The best way to prevent sleep deprivation is to make sure you get adequate sleep and refrain from using electronic devices right before bed. Having participated in the effect of sleep deprivation among teens activity and also introducing sleep hygiene to my church community members. The response was very positive as most teens within my local church community started engaging in leaving their phones in a designated space in another room before retiring to bed without being prompted. Teenage children should choose what best work for them in the routine, for example, have a bath and a hot milky drink before bed, or use meditation or mindfulness activities. Gentle yoga may also help. Avoid screens such as computers, TV or smartphones, loud music, homework or any other activity that gets your mind racing for at least an hour before bedtime. Avoid stimulants in the evening like coffee, tea, soft drinks and energy drinks. Keep your bedroom dark at night. Your brain’s sleep-wake cycle is largely set by light received through the eyes. Try to avoid watching television or using smartphones right before bed. In the morning, expose your eyes to lots of light to help wake up your brain. Do the same bedtime routine every night for at least four weeks to make your brain associate this routine with going to sleep.

Risk behaviours often do not occur in isolation. Smoking, drinking, illicit drug use and sexual risk are all mutually predictive. For drug use and some forms of sexual risk, with other risk co-occurrence of behaviours are driven by shared risk factors such as peer influence sensation-seeking king or by state-specific traits such as the direct effects of substance use or aggression on other behaviours. Common risk factors can be found in many areas, including social, psychological, family, school, neighbourhood.

Effective health programs contribute to improved health outcomes. Having participated in increased physical activity and also introducing it to my community. After carrying out a survey of how I felt and how the individual members of the community felt. The response was very positive as most people within my local community started engaging in the early morning running activity every Saturday without being prompted.


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