Essays on Karl Marx

Critical Review Of Karl Marx And Friedrich Engels' The German Ideology

In this essay, I will be critically reviewing the joint works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels “The German Ideology”, focusing on Part A of the chapter “Feuerbach; opposition of the materialistic and idealistic outlook”. In this book, they critique the work of philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s work, along with explaining new concepts such...
2244 Words 5 Pages

The Inexorable System Of Karl Marx

Karl Marx created a new philosophy called dialectical materialism; dialectical because it incorporates Hegel’s idea of inherent change, and materialism because it grounds itself not in the world of ideas, but on the terrain of the social and physical environment. – I think dialectical materialism should be described as a milestone in human thinking history...
565 Words 1 Page

Antitrust Probe Against Google: Adam Smith Versus Karl Marx

In September of 2019, Attorney generals from the U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico opened an antitrust probe against Google. They are investigating deeper into Google’s possible monopoly. Google is used every day by almost everyone because “more than 70 percent of worldwide online search requests are handled by Google”. It is...
720 Words 2 Pages

Freud's And Mark's Views On Civilization And Roots Of Human Aggression

Philosophers have tried to decipher what the root of human aggression is and possible solutions. Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud both have discussed their theories in their works. The Communist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx, in an attempt to outline his theories on the ideal civilization including abolishing private property and publicizing everything. In...

Marx’s Issues Concerning Capitalism: Critical Analysis

Marxism is one of the world’s most influential ideologies, having massive social impacts on many areas of the word, including the discipline of geography (Peet,2015). Marxist geography, a perspective of human geography which first came on to the scene in the 1960s, focuses in on the ways in which the production of space and place...
1143 Words 3 Pages

Ideas of Adam Smith and Karl Marx to Understand Capitalistic Economies

Much has changed since Adam Smith and Karl Marx first postulated ideas on capitalist economic systems. First, was Smith, interested in groups maximizing self-interests, which ideally maintained that state at an equilibrium indefinitely. Consequential academia comes to both compliment and clash with Smith’s theories and approaches, both directly and indirectly. Nowhere is this more evident...
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