Essays on Life

Sleep Versus Dream: Critical Analysis of Paintings

The theme I have chosen is the Dream/Sleep theme. These two arts share comparable themes. The first painting, Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening (nicknamed Dream) is by Salvador Dali. This painting was finished in 1944 and is of a sleeping figure of Gala. Gala appears...
1170 Words 3 Pages

Agriculture Crop Monitoring And Management Using Satellite And Remote Sensing

Abstract: Remote sensing is a method of reading objects and data from remote platforms like ground-based sensors, aircraft, or satellites is a probably necessary supply of knowledge for in-field crop management, providing each necessary information. Our objective was to use remotely perceived imagery data to match completely different vegetation index as a method of assessing...
1721 Words 4 Pages

Driving License Corroborator Using Internet of Things and Data Mining Techniques: Analytical Essay

Abstract Internet of Things allows objects to be sensed and controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure, creating opportunities for more direct integration between the physical world and computer-based systems resulting in improved efficiency, accuracy and economic benefit. Using IoT in vehicles could increase safety with a higher counter puncture level for accidents. Teenagers drive less...
1795 Words 4 Pages

The Road to Becoming a Doctor: Analytical Essay

Being a doctor is difficult for many people to become doctors. Some people feel that they are expensive for years to become doctors. Most people realize that being a doctor is both difficult and informative. All these people are right. Becoming a doctor is a long, laborious and expensive process that can only be accomplished...
833 Words 2 Pages

Critical Analysis of the Most Important Characteristics for Survival

It takes all sorts of character traits to survive, but even if one has all life just isn’t always in their favour. However, to me, the most important character traits for survival are the ability to adapt to any situation, both physically and mentally —including emotions— , and having a good team or at least...
958 Words 2 Pages

Analysis of Basic Attributes and Personality Traits Required by Digital Marketing Profession

Introduction Digital technology has “shaken marketing at its core” with almost all of current marketing subsumed into some form of digital marketing across most businesses and industries (Wind & Mahajan, 2001). Digital marketing can be defined as the process of applying digital technologies to achieve marketing objectives. In order to stay competitive, companies need to...
1707 Words 4 Pages

Concept of Self-reliance with a View of Refugee Protection and Wellbeing

Introduction The proverb “…. teach a man a fish and he will be fed for a lifetime” is one that is popularly used in refugee aid projects to encourage self-reliance and reduce dependence on the external body for livelihood sources especially over a protracted period. In this context, a refugee is defined as “someone unable...
2666 Words 6 Pages

Application of Sustainability Questions to Job Interviews: Critical Analysis

In order to gather data about using job interview questions to integrate sustainability into the selection functions, recruiters were asked whether they applied this practice when conducting job interviews for positions that do not directly deal with functional sustainability tasks. If yes, follow-up questions were used to learn about the recruiters’ motivation to perform their...
2236 Words 5 Pages

Process of Forgiveness: Theoretical Framework and Review of Literature

Charles Y. Glock, the American sociologist, made a fundamental contribution to the sociological study of religion. It included five dimensions and those are religious belief, experience, practice, theology and ethics. To study the differential commitment to religion Glock had also contributed to the discussions on the conceptualization of religious orientation by proposing a five-dimensional model...
1301 Words 3 Pages
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