Essays on Life

Communication Skills and Quality of Client and Service User Care: Analytical Essay

This assignment focuses on how effective communication enhances the quality of client and service user care in relation to medicines administration. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC, 2018), is the central body that regulates The Code. The behavioural standard promotes professionalism in nursing and midwifery. The usefulness and urgent attention of effective communication skills were...

Concepts of Religiosity and Forgiveness: Review of Literature

Charles Y. Glock, an American sociologist made a fundamental contribution to the sociological study of religion in order to operationalize the concept of religion. He distinguished five major dimensions of religiosity belief, experience, practice, theology and ethics. Glock has also contributed to the discussions on the conceptualization of religious orientation by proposing a five-dimensional model...
1353 Words 3 Pages

Ignorance Is A Bliss or Illness: Argumentative Essay

“We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” “Where ignorance is bliss, ‘tis folly to be wise.” Last year, I was handed these two quotes on a piece of paper and asked my opinion about two phrases. The first quote is from Benjamin Franklin who was a famous American polymath...
1481 Words 3 Pages

Biker Accident Detection and Alerting System: Analytical Essay

Abstract: Emergency never comes with prior intimation. In real world scenarios, detecting such emergency and reporting them is a real challenge. This project contains the detail survey of existing systems and proposed system to overcome common problem of having manual intervention while reporting accidents. In this current research, we proposed an idea which will automate...
1680 Words 4 Pages

Essay About Myself: Analysis of My Person’s Self-concept

Humans’ are very superior creatures in the universe. The world has millions of humans who are like me and this tends to make me feel small. However, everyone is unique in their way. I am an eighteen-year-old short and slender African American female. I am six feet tall with a dark complexion and light brown...
1391 Words 3 Pages

Analogies As a Way to Provide Justification: Analytical Essay

Knowledge is information that we gain everyday, which can be from facts, opinions or through social interactions with one another. There are many ways through which we gain knowledge, but we often try to seek ways through which we can make it easier. One of the things that we use to do this are analogies....
1311 Words 3 Pages

Pediatrician Versus 911: Comparative Analysis

As a parent, one is trusted with the ultimate responsibility of taking care of another human being. Two of the most helpful resources to call in case of emergency that you aren’t prepared for are your pediatrician and 911. In order to assure that the appropriate measures are taken in times of emergency parents should...
1437 Words 3 Pages

University Students’ Perception, Attitude, and Evaluation of Using Translation in Academic Writing Experiences

1. Introduction The globalization of the world led people to realize the significance of language and communication. Machine translation has rapidly developed along with the development of science and technology. Moreover, the spread of the Internet contributed to the popularization of Web-based machine translation. However, the machine translation was not reliable because of its poor...
2290 Words 5 Pages

Issues Concerning Trust: Survey of Solutions to IoT Security Issues Using Blockchain

Abstract: Internet of things (IoT) is indicating exponential development in industry and research fields, yet regardless it experiences security vulnerabilities. IoT gadgets procedure and trade information without human cooperation. Security issues will keep on expanding with such a template, particularly for confidential information, such as information gathered with increasingly more refined associated gadgets (framing the...
2276 Words 5 Pages
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