Essays on Literary Genre

Symbolism In Short Stories

Symbolism is when the use of symbols are used to represent ideas and qualities. I will be explaining how my three short stories involve symbolism. Effective and powerful use of symbolism can easily be seen in the classic short stories “The Possibility of Evil’,” The Lottery”, and “Harrison Bergeron”. In “The Possibility of Evil” Shirley...
679 Words 1 Page

Storm Of Witchcraft: Salem’s Witches

After reading A Storm of Witchcraft by Emerson W. Baker, and carefully dissecting it, I have understood her way of categorizing and crafting her book. Her overall layout of the book is split through chapters that aren’t in chronological order based on dates, but by different events and perspectives focusing on different topics; for example,...
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John Proctor, A Tragic Hero

While according to Aristotle, a tragic hero is a literary character who makes a judgment error that inevitably leads to his/her destruction, there is nothing implied about a true “hero” in that definition (Google Search). According to the dictionary, a hero is a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble...
845 Words 2 Pages

The Practice Of Drama Therapy

Drama Therapy is a subtopic of Applied Practices in theatre, it’s aim is to expedite the process of personal growth and facilitate good mental health or well-being in patients who have experienced trauma or struggle with mental health or their idea of self. According to research by Robert J. Landy (1994), aspects of drama therapy...
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Overview Of Carver Short Stories

Raymond Carver was a Famous short story writer. An American literary icon who has kept a place for himself as one of the all-time most celebrated writers of prose. Carver tragically died at the young age of Fifty from Lung Cancer. This essay will explore how Carvers nine short stories and one poem “Lemonade” in...
1287 Words 3 Pages

Satire: Aim And Role In Modern Society

‘To uphold this distinction, I introduce a weak proposal that satire is a genre which necessarily sets out to critique and entertain (with the qualification that these purposes necessarily interact, although neither is wholly instrumental to the other) (Wiley-Blackwell).’ It’s a form of humor and Irony. It’s a technique used to criticize society. It exposes...
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Author Experience In Drama Performing

I have always have a passion in performing drama since I was little. During my high school years, there was a drama week every year, everybody practices so hard for so long time in order to have the chance to perform on the stage during that ‘special week’ which would only takes place once every...
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Absurdist Theatre: Using The Elements Of Drama

Absurdist theatre has been allocated as my performance style, Absurdism first came about after the II World War that ended in 1945, as people endured the impact of WWII, many began to question the relevance of logic, communication, and life, as it seemed too difficult for playwrights to explain meaning, where the only logical answer...
818 Words 2 Pages

Theories Of Comedy and What Makes Humans Laugh

It is famously known that, when you explain a joke it immediately becomes un-funny, but over the course of human history many philosophers have theorised why we laugh and what makes us find certain things funny and other jokes not so funny. The relief theory has stood out too many people and had become one...
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Satire In Animal Farm And In A Modest Proposal

Satire is a literary form that writers employ that uses humor, irony, exaggeration, and/or ridicule to mock the shortcomings of something in the real world. This is often done with the purpose of sparking change. In the texts ‘Animal Farm’ by George Orwell and ‘A Modest Proposal by Johnathan Swift, satire addresses problems such as...
899 Words 2 Pages
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