Essays on Plays

Good Transformed Into Evil: Macbeth A Tragic Hero

The human mind consists of good and evil decisions, morals, or ideas. Whether or not we are born with those qualities is a different question. Yale University concluded a research finding that babies are innately born good, and are capable of passing moral judgement from the age of one. On the contrary, well known philosopher...
915 Words 2 Pages

Twelfth Night Title Justification

Historically, the list of Shakespeare’s plays which appeared in 1598 doesn’t include the Twelfth Night. It was referred to by John Manningham in 1602 so it was perhaps composed between these years. Other historical evidences suggest that it was presented to Queen Elizabeth on Twelfth Night in 1601 and her guest of honour was an...
422 Words 1 Page

Comparison Of Oedipus And Hamlet

 To be resilient is synonymous with being elastic and persistent. How does a single person possess this unimaginable trait? Both Oedipus and Hamlet have their fair share of tragedies. Oedipus suffers a life based on a prophecy that says he is going to conduct patricide, incest and eventually go blind (205), Hamlet likewise is facing...
751 Words 2 Pages

Antigone's Tragic Hero: Creon

Antigone, the ancient greek play written by Sophocles, is a story about a woman named Antigone who breaks the kings law by burying her brother who is considered a traitor to the state. The king, Creon, despises the action Antigone commits and uses his power against her. Creon holds the tragic flaws of ignorance and...
528 Words 1 Page

Loyalty In The Merchant Of Venice

In the play, The Merchant of Venice, the reader goes through a roller coaster full of emotions as the characters must make difficult and costly decisions. However, Nerissa was the one character who stood out. In the play, Nerissa is Portia’s lady in waiting as Portia’s parents are deceased. Nerissa demonstrates a loyal friendship with...
625 Words 1 Page

The Tragedy Of Othello And King Lear

The renaissance or golden age is the time during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Queen Elizabeth’s reign lasted from 1558 to 1633, where Queen Elizabeth occupied the throne after her sister, Mary, who was her half-sister died (John S. Morrill Stephen J. Greenblatt, 2019). Queen Elizabeth died in 1603, which also ended the 16th century...
2796 Words 6 Pages

Othello: Features Of Early Modern Period In A Play

The play that shall be used as a case study in this essay is the Shakespearean tragedy, Othello. Written in 1603, the first performance was recorded a year later in the newly ordained king James I’s court. Whilst the play is set in 1570, and focuses on the war between Venice and the Ottoman empire,...
2012 Words 4 Pages

The Theme Of Responsibility In An Inspector Calls

Priestley explores responsibility through all the characters. His aim was to highlight that our actions always affect another person even if we think it doesn’t Priestley wanted a socio-political shift in the world as he wanted people to help build a better and caring society. In inspector calls there is a heavy use of anadiplosis...
813 Words 2 Pages

An Inspector Calls: Why Social Status Won’t Beat The Morality

An Inspector Calls by JBP is an unapologetically political play, which criticizes the past while suggesting hope for the future; the power is arguably used by Priestley as part of a wider argument on the benefits of socialism and the cruel consequences of capitalism. Power is presented through the characters of Mr. Birling and Inspector...
679 Words 1 Page

Absurdism In Samuel Beckett’s Waiting For Godot

Abstract: This paper explores the impact of absurdism in Samuel Beckett’s play Waiting for Godot. Absurdism as a philosophy stands on the idea that the whole universe is irrational and meaningless and that the look for order brings the person into conflict with the universe. During the period of the two World Wars, the mass...
1275 Words 3 Pages
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