Essays on Religion

Second Coming: Literature Survey

The idea of the end times is enough to terrify anyone, and the conversation of it is even worse. We all want to know what will happen when Jesus returns. Those who believe premillennial dispensationalism have a distinct view of the times to come, but the question to ask is what exactly is premillennial dispensationalism,...
2402 Words 5 Pages

A Christian Worldview: Faith, Love And Dignity

Humans navigate through life utilizing certain teachings, beliefs, and practices. Christianity is comprised of teachings, beliefs, and practices that help to formulize the basics of a Christian worldview. However, the aspects that make up Christianity are not entirely what makes up a Christian worldview. A worldview acts as a basis for the way individuals interpret...
1273 Words 3 Pages

Immortality In Epic of Gilgamesh

Death is an inevitable part of human life. People cannot know or predict their own death time. Life is noble by the fact that there is death in it. The Epic of Gilgamesh gives us no easy answers to the questions about meaning of death and mortality, and shows the inevitability of death. The overall...

Descartes Opinion Concerning Soul

Descartes was recommended by M. Pollot to Elisabeth assuring her of his goodwill toward everyone and in particularly her. So Elisabeth writes to Descartes in a letter petitioning him to answer something she cannot understand, she asks how the soul of man can determine the spirits of the body to produce voluntary actions. She wants...
389 Words 1 Page

Keeping Faith: The Importance Of Religion In Our Life

Religion plays in important role in peoples lives. Sometimes believing in God is the only way of our personal issues. Keeping faith is key no matter how devastating things can be, rough times are not always bad it helps me become a stronger person. In the book “In the country we love” by Diane Guerrero....
873 Words 2 Pages
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