Essays on Religion

Learning More About New Cultures: Celebrating Eid

Two attributes from the IB learner profile that I demonstrate are being open-minded and a communicator. To me being open-minded means trying new things or thinking of new ideas. For example, trying new foods or clothes. Being a communicator means giving information or knowledge to others. I show this through my love for culture, traveling,...
446 Words 1 Page

Diwali Holidays: My Memorable Experience

My Memorable Experience Hurahhhhhh! exams are over now, we have the Diwali holidays. So I came home and I was feeling relaxed after this no one will be going to ask me about the study. I was excited and decided to help my mother. I asked her, “what about the preparation for Diwali? Can I...
664 Words 1 Page

Mandala As The Idea Of Centralised Sites Of Power

Introduction A popular topic of study within the field of ancient kingdoms in Southeast Asia deals with the understanding of how these polities functioned in terms of notions of power and rule. In the course of doing so, many scholars have attempted to propose various models to characterise their workings with examples of hydraulic (Wittfogel,...
2240 Words 5 Pages

Immortality: Remarker Versus Trotter-Cockburn

Within Atherton’s Women Philosophers of the Early Modern Period, Catharine Trotter-Cockburn defends Locke’s Essay of Human Understanding. In this comment sheet, I will discuss some of Remarker’s concerns and objections to Locke’s view and present Trotter-Cockburn’s responses that defend and advance Locke’s view, and I will additionally argue that her defense of Locke’s essay is...
770 Words 2 Pages

Prince Hamlet: Heaven, Hell, Or Purgatory

Scholars and ordinary people alike are searching for an answer to the questions regarding the afterlife and the places of the souls of those people who have departed from this life and are entering into the next. The fascination with this question is fundamental to the human condition and one that cannot simply be ignored...
1418 Words 3 Pages

The Sunrise As A Sign Of Life From The Kingdom Of God

Sunrise and sunset takes place every day. In the Bible in the book of Luke 1:78-79 it proclaims “Because of the tender mercy of our God, whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into...
484 Words 1 Page

Impacts Of Diwali Festival: Social Cohesiveness

A part of sociological understanding includes giving up the idea that human behaviour is just what people ought to do because our decisions are affected by society. So whether celebrating festivals is your innate will or whether you’re succumbed by the immense pressure of your family and friends, festivals are important and they impact us...
451 Words 1 Page
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