Essays on Sociological Theories

Social Learning Theory: Possibility Of Application Within A Whole Personal Life

Social learning theory usually divides into three stages: retention, reproduction and motivation. Retention refers to the ability of the individual converted the observed behaviour of the model into a representative image to keep in memory. Reproduction refers to the individual’s observation of the performance of the model and expressed in their own actions. Motivation means...
740 Words 2 Pages

Disputes In Human Sciences And The Natural Sciences: Social Darwinism Versus Darwin’s Theory Of Natural Selection

Through the Areas of Knowledge (AOKs) of the human sciences and the natural sciences the accuracy of this claim will be explored. Although the claim of the title holds elements of viability, in certain contexts it can be inaccurate and, thus, disproved. Knowledge is mankind’s cognitive possession of justified beliefs. When considering the “quality of...
1592 Words 3 Pages

Explaining Social Learning Theory Based On My Personal Experience

For decades, law enforcement agencies have been studying the criminological theories, which have been designed to fight crimes. However, the approaches are based on different perspectives, such as why some people commit crimes. Out of a wide range of criminological theories, this paper will focus on the social learning approach. According to this theory, people...
1508 Words 3 Pages

Research On Human Subjects In Germany And In The United States Based On The Philosophy Of Eugenics And Social Darwinism

When in 1883 Sir Francis Galton, the mathematician and naturalist from Great Britain and Charles Darwin’s cousin, coined the term eugenics, he might have hardly predicted that the interest in eugenics would drive the humanity to the point of transgressing all moral boundaries. At the same time, Galton’s formulation of the new study as “the...
1490 Words 3 Pages

Social Learning Theory Applied To Sexual Abuse And Child Pornography Participation

Introduction A core criminological paradigm is the theory of social learning, this theory suggests that humans can acquire behavioural characteristics by observing and imitating others. Social learning can increase the probability that an individual will engage in a criminal act or deviant behaviour, if their social groups are favourable towards breaking rules or the law....
1448 Words 3 Pages

Critique Of Cognitive And Social Learning Theories

Learning theories encapsulate the process of learning and retaining information. This process affects every aspect of daily life and can be applied to individuals, groups and communities in order to teach and solve problems. Factors that may affect learning include intellectual ability, learning components, physical development and nutrition, mental factors, and emotional and social dynamics...
1945 Words 4 Pages

Application Of Social Learning Theory In Reality

Social Learning Theory Learning is the things that really complex in our life, every time we learn about something it could give a huge impact to our life. Basically, we learn through observation, imitation and modelling. Children do based on the environment and media do, either good effect or bad effect is depends on the...
440 Words 1 Page

Introduction To Ethics: Review Of Ethical Theories And Applied Ethics

Ethics. The word ethics is derived from both Greek and Latin backgrounds. In Greek, ‘ethos’ means character while in Latin ‘moras’ means customs. As a result, ethics is defined as the personal and professional behavior with regards to the values, customs, behaviors, principles, and morals a society is based upon. There are several various opinions...
2746 Words 6 Pages
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