Theory of Marxism Versus Capitalism: Comparative Essay

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Marxism give us two critical and classical approach to understanding international relations. The critical approach in the sense that always got to inquire about the conventional policy determined methodologies to IR theory and classical approach as the logical and sociological traditions of its name holder the philosopher Karl Marx( 1818- 1883). In fact Marxism is the first theory in international relations that is named after a person. Karl Marx and his sometimes co-author Friedrick Engels great contributors to IR because there struggles do not focus only on the creation of States or level the relation among them what do they mainly focus was the industrial revolution and even that was the occasion after which Karl Marx was the witness and trying to recognise that. Marx and his co-author gave a Revolutionary methodology and drawn set of concepts that transcend National changes while also gave practical advice on how to shape a transnational effort of people. The main focus of this theory was to rose the labours from works throughout the globe -the proletariat to arrange themselves into a constitutionally Revolutionary movement to fight against the uneven and unfair effects of capitalism which were followed by the industrial revolution. This concept of Marxism creates a linkage between the bulks of humankind as a worldwide proletariat is a thing which gave International relations a different point of view.

Basics of Marxism

Common goals of Marxism work was to have greater good for mankind and its environment. Which means that Marxist continued alert of most public features of societies and its surroundings. For example is Industrial Revolution smells of burning coals overloaded industrial unit and petrol fumes and odours of next Revolution should be fewer harmless less polluting and more protective of the earth. In order to understand Marxism we must understand the basic concepts of Marx’s regarding the origin and functioning of capitalism. Marx along with Engels advanced a revolutionary approach in order to give the concept of transnational changes while also given that people with advice in order to build transnational movement of people. The workers from the industrial unit across the world the public class to organise themselves into a politically Revolutionary Movement in order to pledge the an unequal class spreading and mistreatment caused due to the industrial revolution and to build a linkage between the human mankind. The thing let most arguable condition that capitalist style of production and contemporary Sovereign state system are not natural or unavoidable events the work of Marxists is to review those circumstances and social relationships and to symbol how capitalism and sovereign state system arose as two sides of similar coin or dissimilar coin or different currencies. It not only give us the understanding of world but also thoughtful to change it.

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Historical materialism

In order to understand Marxism we want to recognise main philosophy for the progress of capitalism known as historical materialism. It’s simply states that relationship of mankind with each other and their surroundings or dogged by the material situations due to which they can live and reproduce. This material circumstances can be altered by the activities taken by mankind or by the actions taking place in environment. If we take case of climate changes which is basically depend on the actions of human beings and it is also a somatic phenomena, in other words we can actually protect our Earth from climate changes if we take actions towards behaviour and change it to cause any disturbance in the environment. But everything is reliant on the time or anything can change from past to future.

Marxism mainly focuses not just about the performance of politician or relationship between the countries but it is also round the survival of life span ,reproduction, Technology And Employment it is if it is right then parting among the politics and economic your communal and private is problematic because these types conceal the tunnels in which countries and foreign strategies are going to be dogged by public relationships and structure of the worldwide budget such as international organisations or Worldwide Financial organisations

Human beings are socially linked with each other is contemporary human appeared to act as self interested individuals then it is a result not of essential nature but of the particular way we have produced our society life and ourselves. On this view humans may be collectively capable of recreating there world their work and themselves in new and better ways but only if we think critically about and act practically to change those historical peculiar social relations that encouraged us to link and act as socially disempowered and narrowly self-interested individuals

Meaning of dialectic: Social relations in the process

In order to understand social relation of human beings and their life if we need to understand the dialectic history. The humans are actually producers and products of historical processes. In Marx famous aphorism summarise his view history in the following terms “men make their own history but do not make it just as they please tip to not take it under circumstances chosen by them self but under circumstances directly in committed given and transmitted from the past”.He basically explain this process as dialectic of agents and structures. According to him agents of social actors such as human beings structure generate the possibility of certain kind of social identity and corresponding form of actions. Structure or not independent they are actually dependent on the continuous actions of the agents which determine them. This interplay among individual action or institution that form the Framework for individual action is what marks means by dialectic.

Stages of Marxism

In This ideology Marx identified four stages of Marxism such as:

  1. Primitive communism for tribal society in which measureable scarcity provided the principal source of conflict
  2. Slavery covering classical or ancient civilizations and characterized by conflict between master and slave
  3. Feudalism marked by antagonism between landowners and serfs
  4. Capitalism is dominated by the struggle between bourgeoisie and the proletariat

Human history therefore has suffered a lot fight among exploited or exploiter, the opressed or oppressor. The stages of Marxism basically give us the understanding of domestic inequality what to understand international level we want to know two systems such as world-system theory and dependency theory.

World system theory

Immanuel Wallenstein gave the theory of World system to counter that Imperial is a state let process according to that theory distinguish between three type of states or regions the core state the semi Periphery state and the Periphery state. Core state are actually considered to be the developed World which have high economy high income such as Europe N. America etc, periphery states are considered to be low income Nation that is actually exploited by the wealthier Nation such as Africa, and S. Asia etc and semi Periphery States which actually have properties of both periphery and core States such as China, Russia etc. This theory help us to realise in what way the states have developed from 16th century and how they are reliant on each other and through what way they become capitalist states.

Dependency theory

This theory was proposed by Argentine economist and statement Raul Prebisch in 1960- 70. According to this theory underdevelopment is mainly caused by peripheral position of affected countries in the world economy typically the underdeveloped world offers low-priced raw material and these are sold to advanced economies which convert them into you finished goods so the underdeveloped countries buy them at high prices this is a continuous cycle. This theory argues that in order to get out of dependency is the formation of a non commercial national economy.

Gramsci and hegemony:

Antonio Gramsci in (1891-1937) explain that how idea of hegemony is used today than the idea of expansionism.

It emphasizes mainly on 2 thing

  1. Domination of rare class of people or state on other sets also depend on philosophical status in other arguments capitalism is skilled in dissimilar ways traditionally and around the world since individuals recognise it and therefore decide to or repel it in dissimilar method
  2. The relationships of dependence and kinds of class used to understand of relationships are extra than it and runny then World system concept.

Therefore capitalism controls are communal relationships because it is produced done forced and resources the idea got to tell why organization and education in western Europe did not tie to loose their cables as Marx’s and Engels had forecast.


Marxism give both critical and classical approach to understand International relations. Marxism gave great understanding to International Relation because it do not focus mainly on the nature of human or another about the cooperation among people it was equally give us the relationship of human beings with one another and own surroundings and it also give us the ways to change them. Marxism explains both national and global understanding of the world. Ancient Materialism philosophy that drives Marxism tries to apply it in way in which people have transformed the land produced things on it and and ultimatily dependent on its resources for shaping political organisations such as the state and global organisations. Marxism give the ways in which people and group interact and produce things and exchange across borders as well as how they organise themselves through Institutions to manage and contest the production and distribution of things crossways the world. Marxism is a greater critique to capitalism according to it if the world is not a rigid structure like if it can get changed with the passage of time then it is easier for us to think about the way world transformed about which Marx’s Hopes and it will be better redistribute the world economy. Marxism as the critique of capitalism mainly challenge the ideas of anyone about the world.


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