Essays on University

Challenges That Transitioning Students Face In University

When students begin to transition into Higher Education, some challenges come along with it. Throughout this essay, there will be references to Thomas’ report on ‘Belonging and Engagement’ concept which shows ‘the importance of students having a strong sense of belonging in Higher Education, which is the result of engagement’ (Thomas, p12, 2012). Belonging is...
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Characteristics Of An ‘Academic’ Essay And The Reasons For Requiring Writing In This Style

The American novelist and essayist, Flannery O’Connor, wrote: ‘I write to discover what I know” (O’Connor, no date). This document is going to discuss distinguishing features of academic essay writing required for BSc Occupational Therapy Course and why qualities and skills of academic writing are important for Occupational Therapy students. It will explain the complexity...
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My Experience Of Studying In UAE

This semester was my second semester at United Arab Emirates University. I have registered for different courses, one of these courses Is Information Literacy with Dr.Basheir AL-Rei .It was a very interesting experience, Dr.Basheir helped us a lot to learn this course and I learned many skills easily. I learned a lot of skills that...
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Reasons Why People Attend College

College is a prospect that many people begin thinking about from a young age. Although not to all, the privilege to attend one has been afforded to nearly 20 million students, who are enrolled in a college or university for the fall 2019 semester (National Center for Education Statistics). These students include men and women...
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The Issue Of Shyness At University

Commonly, shy people have been described to be anti-social, introverted and sometimes even weird. However, in 2007, Coplan and Armer used shyness as a term to describe someone who gets anxious in social situations and therefore behave in the ways mentioned above as well as showing some other characteristics. Singh and Kazmi (2013) wrote about...
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Free Education In Australia

Introduction University and tertiary education is a very fundamental aspect not only to the individual but to the society at large (Pages & Stampini, 2009). If university education is carried as an profit motive industry then it will not produce the best results. In reality, tertiary and university education is important in shaping the career...
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University Education In Kenya

Education, more so university education, is expected to play an increasingly greater role in socio-economic development by training skilled manpower and producing and disseminating the knowledge required for a knowledge-driven economy. It should enable individuals to develop their capabilities to the highest potential; serve the needs of an adaptive, sustainable and knowledge-based economy and play...
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Benefits Of University Education

University education is a level of education in this today’s modern education system that train, educate and equip intellectuals in various fields of studies to face workplace challenges. Studying in a university is every academics goal in life. Being a university graduate comes with its wider benefits that are outlined here: Cultural and social experiences...
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Kenya’s Education System: History Of University Education

Education plays a key role in the transformation of societies including poverty reduction, human development, enhancing job prospects for individuals and the socio-economic development of nations. The education system ought to be designed in a way that it focusses on inculcating not only knowledge but also values that can help the learners to participate in...
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Absence of Respect in University Students: Critical Analysis

Authors have conducted studies that suggest the absence of respect in not only an individual’s daily university life but also cultural differences leading to the absence of respect. University students across many universities and variety of different degrees were surveyed to help achieve a study to understand what it is that students desire the most....
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