Essays on Learning

Inequality in Education: The School-to-Prison Pipeline

Abstract This research project aims to address the school-to-prison pipeline that often victimizes minority students. In schools all across the nation, minority students are criminalized hidden behind disciplinary policies and practices within the school. These practices put students in contact with law enforcement. Operation Misdirect aims to change this by misdirecting students from the school-to-prison...

University Students’ Perception, Attitude, and Evaluation of Using Translation in Academic Writing Experiences

1. Introduction The globalization of the world led people to realize the significance of language and communication. Machine translation has rapidly developed along with the development of science and technology. Moreover, the spread of the Internet contributed to the popularization of Web-based machine translation. However, the machine translation was not reliable because of its poor...
2290 Words 5 Pages

Analysis of Research Studies in the Field of Forgiveness and Religion

Several researchers have conducted research studies in the field of forgiveness and religion. Following is a review of some of the few prominent research studies and their findings: Case Western Reserve University (2008) Analysis of literature In the area of redemption and faith, multiple scholars conducted research. A summary of some of the few influential...
706 Words 2 Pages

Marketing Plan and Marketing Strategy: Case Study of ECOOPS

Marketing plan Marketing strategy is the comprehensive plan formulated particularly for achieving the marketing objectives of the organization. It provides the blueprint for attaining the marketing objectives. A marketing strategy is done by choosing the target market and gathering the marketing mix. Marketing strategy provides an organization an edge over its competitors and helps to...

Study to Analyse the Level of Self Awareness among Women Students in Kumbakonam Town

Abstract Self-awareness is the first step towards enhancing ones emotional intelligence. Today’s corporate world is looking for emotional strong leaders. Hence this study in undertake primarily as a self- evaluation tool for the millennium youth to introspect themselves and to be more self-aware. Keyword: emotional intelligence, millennium youth, value of life. II. Introduction Information of...

Building and Sustaining Positive Relationships and Trust with Families: Needs of Students, Parents and Caregivers

Relationships play a vital role in the success of a school and its students. Parents, teachers, principals, faculty, staff, community members and stakeholders can all play a part in the achievement of our students. Henderson (2007) says that “research shows that students whose families are actively involved in their child’s school/education tend to get better...
2322 Words 5 Pages
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