How to Own Your Life and Live Your Dream: Analysis of Being Yourself

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Analysis of Being Yourself

We all seek to get the best out of ourselves, but very few do. We are the worst enemy when it comes to achieving success, dreaming and living the life we ​​want. Some people even adopt self-destructive behaviors like habits. No matter what your age is, it is continually challenging to get the best version of ourselves.

Some are self-destructive without realizing it and others who know it but do nothing to change. If you feel ready and decided to be the best version of yourself, follow these steps:

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Stop Talking Negatively:

‘I am a failure in love’, ‘I can never have the body I want’ and ‘my life sucks’ are just three of the phrases that we continuously say. When you have this type of negative conversation, you assure yourself that specific irrational ideas are real and genuine.

This is a real challenge because it causes you to sabotage yourself or stop trying things. Learning to silence negative self-criticism is very important, and you must start by becoming aware of it. Identify the moments when these phrases begin to appear in your mind.

As soon as you detect that you have begun to sabotage yourself, think of something positive and ultimately change this behavior. Over time it will be more comfortable.

Stop Criticizing and Judging Others:

Have you taken note of how easy it is to criticize others? This gives us a feeling of superiority, even if it has no basis. To be the surpass version of yourself, you need to eliminate all negative energy from your life.

The first step may be to evade judging others. When you spend time criticizing, you damage that person in their self-esteem and you in your interpersonal relationships.

Allow yourself to meet those around you without creating any expectation and without expecting them to be as you wish. Each of us is different, and that’s okay. Each one lives as he wishes and you must do the same.

Stop Fearing Failure:

One of the things that keep you from being the best version of yourself is the fear of failure. Maybe you want something with all your desire, but you do not dare to jump because you are afraid of being wrong. So, you choose to avoid risk and spend time feeling that something is wrong with your life.

The most original people are those who know what they want and go for it. The rest are only satisfied with receiving what life gives them. Do not be afraid to be wrong; mistakes are the best source of knowledge and growth.

Do What You Want:

This has a lot to do with failure. If you spend your whole life moving from loss, you will likely end up doing things you don’t want to. From studying something that doesn’t interest you to marrying someone who doesn’t make you happy.

The best version of yourself appears when you risk finding yourself. Dream and do your best to make those dreams come true. Don’t cause someone to tell you that you can’t do it just because it’s not normal.

Finally, forget about being the perfect person for others. That does not exist, and the search will make you very unhappy. If you are going to please someone, let it be only you.

Surround Yourself with People Who Motivate You:

Another way to be the best version of yourself is to surround yourself with people who make you better. When your friends and family speak positively to you and motivate you to achieve your goals, the path is more comfortable and more rewarding.

In case your friends and family are not exactly good company, look for other alternatives. Do not wholly leave your friends now, but permit yourself to meet new people who generate good vibes. You can also look for counsellors, therapists or coaches to help you find the motivation you need.

As you can see, the path to being yourself will not be the easiest in the world. But what will make the difference between being successful or not is your attitude? You will know that you are equipped to meet when you are prepared to overcome challenges without excuses. Before that, you will fail irretrievably.


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