Essays on Breakup of Yugoslavia

The Factors That Led To The Breakup Of Yugoslavia

After World War II ended, Yugoslavia was a large nation that consisted of six republics. These republics were divided by borders according to historical ethnic boundaries. The six republics that made up Yugoslavia are now known today as Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, and Macedonia. All six republics had their own slice of the pie...
1175 Words 3 Pages

The Factors That Caused The Breakup Of Yugoslavia

Following the fall of the “Iron Curtain”, historical events took place in Europe and reflected its development. Two parallel processes were developing on the European continent – one of the unification of the two Germanies and the other of the breakup of multinational federations. There was no longer a bipolar model in Europe and in...
2838 Words 6 Pages

Humanitarian Law And International Ad Hoc Tribunal: Former Yugoslavia And The Special Court For Sierra Leone

Introduction I would like to begin with a brief overview of international humanitarian law. After which i will briefly describe the context in which the ICTY and SCLA Court was created, its jurisprudence, the court’s role in bringing peace to the area and then, most importantly, the role and limitation of adhoc international criminal tribunals...
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