Essays on British Empire

King Richard: View Of Shakespeare And Al Pacino

Throughout history, literature and different forms of texts have been utilised in order to illuminate and convey attitudes, ideas and contextual issues in a variety of ways, creating conversations between the texts. Shakespeare’s Elizbaethan history play King Richard III (1593), explores the Machiavellian-like rise to power of King Richard, a character heavily influenced by Marlowism....
1177 Words 3 Pages

Comparison Of Richard Iii And Looking For Richard

Analysing the conceptual resonances and contextual dissonances between King Richard III (RIII) and Looking For Richard (LFR), enables audiences to interpret the textual features and context, which has enabled Pacino to modernise RIII. Through this comparative study, audiences are able to contrast how the notions of religion and frailty has changed under the democratisation of...
772 Words 2 Pages

Analysis Of Stonehenge Geometry

Through an exploration of geometric systems and proportions in architecture, knowledge on the influence of quadvarium systems to have shaped the historic spatiality of buildings is illuminated. Specifically, acknowledgement of systematic belief for all geometries to be inherently associated and/or derived from the structure of a square or circle has contrived a distinct relationship to...
767 Words 2 Pages

Industrial Revolution: Harms And Advantages

  The results of the drastic shift in the major industrialization in Britain had caused a lot more harm than good. Namely, the great toll it had on the heath of many, from and constant exposure of pollution that introduced diseases. The harsh working conditions were one of the main encouragements for these life-threatening dangers, as...
1171 Words 3 Pages

The Industrial Revolution: What Led, And What’s Left

Life, as we know it, is full of a vast amount of events that can affect us individually, and affect the world as a whole. Some events have higher impacts than others on a person, society, country, or even the whole world. In all times and places, these impactful events are bound to occur usually...
2675 Words 6 Pages

Society Depicted By Victorian Era Books

The Victorian era was a time of social reform with laws that are still incorporated in today’s society. It took place during the reign of Queen Victoria and lasted for 63 years; from 1837 and ended with her death in 1901. In England, many of the laws and ways of life were different than in...
2410 Words 5 Pages

King Arthur: Changes In Depicting Of The King Through The Time

A legend of the battles The mysterious tale of King Arthur is one of the excellent topics of writing. anyhow, is there any fact about the legend and why has it gotten so compelling continuously? The King Arthur that we ken these days is an accumulation of diverse legends, indicted through various creators, at diverse...
1444 Words 3 Pages

The Industrial Revolution In Britain And The USA

Throughout history, many significant events have changed the way life is lived and such occurrences include the American Revolution, the French Revolution, and the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. One of the most crucial events that transpired in Great Britain which changed the way that individuals maneuvered life and also later affected all of Europe, Asia,...
797 Words 2 Pages

Reasons And Impact Of The Industrial Revolution

In the 18th century caused by the agricultural revolution, enclosure, and Britain’s population growth. That bring about the surplus of the agricultural labor force, people have to seek new employment, a new revolution began – Industrial Revolution. Owing to that people developed new transportation systems (trains, boats, automobiles) and some new inventions like spinning Jenny,...
585 Words 1 Page
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