Essays on English Literature

White Teeth: Symbolism Of White Teeth

White Teeth by Zadie Smith is a symbolic novel that illustrates the nature of people and how they relate to each other. Teeth, as widely used in the novel, are a symbolic term that is used to mean people. Teeth are essentially white no matter the race of an individual; this factual concept of the...
2536 Words 6 Pages

Pride And Prejudice: The Theme Of Marriage

Pride and Prejudice is frequently proclaimed as one of the greatest romance novels in history. Although it may seem like a simple love story, there are many obstacles that others face in this novel. Nearly every character marries by the ending of this book, though many of the couples are not as well off as...
1105 Words 2 Pages

Book Review: And Then There Were None

Written by the award winning “queen of mystery”, Agatha Christie, And Then There Were None is her second bestselling book, just behind the legendary classic, Murder on the Orient Express. The original title of the book(Ten Little Indians) was changed in the U.S because it was offensive to many people. The main conflict in ‘And...

White Teeth: The Cultural Significance

The novel White Teeth, by Zadie Smith, gives an account of two North London families, one headed by Archie, the other by Archie’s closest companion, a Muslim Bengali named Samad Iqbal. Buddies since they served together in World War II, Archie and Samad are firmly an improbable pair. Trudging Archie is run of the mill inside...
2261 Words 5 Pages

1984: How Orwell Predicted The Future

1984 is a book that George Orwell wrote in 1949 about his thoughts on what our society would become someday. The book details out Orwell’s fears of what the world might become if the government (Big Brother) is successful in their attempt to control the citizens of Oceania. Through the use of several tools such...
1060 Words 2 Pages

Animal Farm: The Usage Of A Power

In a communist society power is constantly abused, and becomes very harmful to people who gain it, and are around it. Power and control are one of the important themes in “Animal Farm”. “Animal Farm” written by George Orwell, is a political satire which tells the story about animals overthrowing Jones and coming up with...
635 Words 1 Page

Wuthering Heights: Themes And Form Experiments

Wuthering Heights experiments with form, attempting to find ways to unify and/or correct it. A pair of very conventional lovers is pitted against a pair of highly unconventional ones, thus highlighting the differences between the two styles of characterization. In terms of the novel’s two plots, one story is markedly absent of traditional literary tropes...
958 Words 2 Pages

Wuthering Heights As A Peace Of Gothic Literature

Gothic literature arose from the late 18th century to the early 19th century. Gothic writings are known to have the fantasy elements predominate over the realistic, the uncanny over the familiar, and the supernatural over the natural. Mentions of apparitions, madness, death, and decay are among the many elements that characterized the 18th-century literary genre,...
965 Words 2 Pages

The Lord Of The Rings: Setting Of The Novel

Any stories can influence people emotionally, but previously in a while, a story can call a person to leave for it. The Lord of the Rings is and an attractive story with a powerful use of setting and incredible characters that engages readers and can move them to expertise of life more ingenious. As a...
1270 Words 3 Pages

Never Let Me Go: Film Adaptation

The film version is also narrated by Kathy. However, the yoke of a film narrative is much dimmer than that of a first person in a book. The Kathy of the book imposes her point of view, her vocabulary and her narrative sway. In the cinema, because the camera necessarily records it to her and...
432 Words 1 Page
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