Essays on English Literature

Harry Potter: Development Of The Main Character

In the novel, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, by J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter is depicted as only a typical kid with an inclination to make ‘enchanted’ things happen in this way starting the embarkment of a not really ordinary story. The character referred to as Harry Potter pursues the criteria and cycle of James...
1198 Words 3 Pages

A Modest Proposal: As A Political Manifesto Of Jonathan Swift

Jonathan Swift was a 17th century Anglo-Irish poet, clerk, and political pamphleteer, best known for his for his prose of fiction, such as the Gulliver’s Travels, the Battle of the Books, and Tale of a tub. Swift is famously considered to be one of the best satirists in History, a sarcastic and ironic style of...
1614 Words 4 Pages

To His Coy Mistress: Stanza Analysis And Symbolism In A Poem

Chariot – an old carriage pulled by horses, used in ancients’ wars. Coy- originally defined as “shy”, it was later adapted to someone who “pretends” to be shy, Yonder – used to specify something that’s within the sight Vast – immense, of very great quantity In his three-stanza poem, “to his coy mistress” Marvell Andrew...
706 Words 2 Pages

Lamb To The Slaughter: Everyone Deserves To Be Happy

“Lamb to the Slaughter” is a short story written by Ronald Dahl. it is about two people who love each other, but the love is one-sided. One day, the man wants to get a divorce from the woman while she is six months pregnant. She isn’t very happy, so she kills her husband.  Every human...
486 Words 1 Page

King Lear: Psychoanalytical Approach To King Lear

Abstract In undertaking a psychoanalytical approach to King Lear, this paper treads in the footsteps of Freud in his ‘The Theme of the Three Caskets.’ Clearly early Jacobean society was very different from our own; expectations of patriarchy and the place of daughters was only partly covered by the image of the now dead Virgin...
3085 Words 7 Pages

Wuthering Heights: Stylistic Devices In The Novel

In Wuthering Heights, one area in which the sublime is highlighted is through the gloomy landscape. In the first volume, Lockwood’s description of the sheer physicality of Wuthering Heights and the heath and brackish mud he had to wade through to reach the house foregrounds elements of sublimity, most notably in the dangerous, yet awe-inspiring...
772 Words 2 Pages

Book Review: 1984 By George Orwell

Written by George Orwell, a journalist, and author, the novel 1984 is a fictional book about a corrupt society controlling everyone’s thoughts and core values. This fiction book follows our main character Winston and the average, middle-class person that everyone reading it can relate too. He is just trying to navigate himself through this corrupt,...
623 Words 1 Page

Lord Of The Flies: The Main Theme And Character Analysis

The novel Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding in 1954 tells a story of a group of boys stranded on a lifeless island and their attempt to govern themselves. During a war retreat, a airplane crashes leaving preadolescent children and littleuns as the only survivors. In the group of young boys, there are...
1151 Words 3 Pages

Social Engineering, Soma And Sex In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World

In 1809 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe observed in his novel Elective Infinities that ‘none are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe that they are free.’ This idea has provided vast contemplative material for authors up until our current day. What Goethe captured in this quote maybe even more relevant in our contemporary world...
2209 Words 5 Pages

Historical Method In The Light Of Great Expectations

‘Books can be designed to influence and sometimes to change the economic, social, or cultural Circumstances in which they were produced (Eliot, P49, 2010)’. Eliot asserts that despite this, there will always be a feedback circle between the society’s relationship and its books, confirming that a generation of books can be a guide to the...
1809 Words 4 Pages
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