Essays on Gender Diversity

From Gender Identity Disorder To Gender Dysphoria

Pop culture and news outlets misconstrue transgender (trans), non-binary and gender non-conforming (GNC) identities as a new phenomenon, when it is documented that trans, non-binary and GNC people have existed for long before (CITE). Due to this misrepresentation, it is often understood that inclusion of these identities is “progressive” or “revolutionary,” which is problematic because...
2015 Words 4 Pages

Sexual Activities And Experiences

Human beings are sexual beings and this is expressed through feelings of attraction between two persons (either of the opposite of the same gender) at a particular point in time. Sexual activities and experiences including the ability to have control over sexual feelings, choice of a sexual partner, emotional attachments, trustworthiness as well as the...
1885 Words 4 Pages

Gender Differences In Stem

Introduction Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) pervades every part of society. However, it has been projected that it will be difficult for the U.S. to fill STEM related jobs in the upcoming years due to retirements (Wyss, 2012). This makes it clear for the need to increase students attitudes and interests in these fields....
2063 Words 5 Pages

Empower Girl Child

Empowerment of girls and young women shouldn’t be an ‘option’ for a modern society, it should have already happened a long time ago. Empowerment can be said to be the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights. According to Amartya Sen, Nobel laureate and a founder...
676 Words 1 Page

Psychoanalysis And Gender Identity

This essay will look at gender identity in relation to psychoanalysis, and what psychoanalysis has to say regarding those whose gender identity does not conform to their gender roles. Thus providing an explanation to why some people assigned gender does not conform to their gender roles and what psychoanalysis explanation for this is. What is...
2716 Words 6 Pages

Sexuality And Social Acceptance

Sexuality is a persons sexual orientation or preference. Sexuality is a broad spectrum and is deeply personal. It is about understanding the sexual feelings and attractions people feel towards others. Everyone’s sexuality is different, some people may only be attracted to one sex where as others may be attracted to a diversity of people –...
1081 Words 2 Pages

Pressure Due To Excess Weigh

I’d like you to picture the scene. You have a very exciting holiday coming up in a couple of months. You can’t wait to just get on a sun lounger and be in the sun all day. You’re looking forward to the unlimited cocktails on an evening, and you cannot wait for the feeling of...
1278 Words 3 Pages

Masculinity And Fatherhood

Introduction The social construction of manliness is elaborated through traits, roles, attitudes and behaviors, which stress on the different gender roles between men and women (Levant, 2011). Therefore, the discourse of masculinity highlights on the identity of men through their roles and behaviors, emphasizing on what a man should be in society (Hearn et al.,...
3726 Words 8 Pages

Gender Inequalities

A vivid memory I have of my co-ed primary school was when a boy in my class told me I couldn’t run as fast as him because I was a girl. Ten year old me felt disheartened and upset that a peer would say such a thing. I thought, Why would he say that? Even...
714 Words 2 Pages

Toxic Masculinity

Aggression. Guilt. Fear. These are only a few feelings that are left as a result of the wave of toxic masculinity. The patriarchy has confined gender to only one mode of expression, which is defined by the stereotypes we hold about men and women. These feelings felt by so many women refer to the socially-constructed...
1176 Words 3 Pages
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