Essays on Judiciary

International Law & Ethics Amidst Pandemics: Responses Of Different Political States In A Pandemic

Introduction: This article will evaluate the key issue of international law amidst a pandemic containing firstly, the application of international law in managing global pandemics; secondly, to look into the ongoing pandemic; thirdly, how these different nation-states are tackling this global pandemic altogether; and lastly a conclusion is drawn on the overall analysis of the...
2799 Words 6 Pages

Injustice Against Justice

Political leader, Nelson Mandela once stated, “As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality persist in our world, none of us can truly rest”. Based on what Nelson Mandela said, the individuals who live through an injustice will be compelled to change it. When looking through the books and connecting them to daily lives, one...
1557 Words 3 Pages

Career Of A Forensic Psychologist

Forensic psychology combines the study of psychology alongside the system. Clinical psychologists working within the system is important for the welfare of some offenders. consistent with our textbook, they are doing important things like justify involuntary hospitalization, deciding if an individual is stable enough to face trial, if the offender was stable once they committed...
1978 Words 4 Pages

The History Of Roman Law

The definition of law by Roman law is that law is the art of goodness and equity ( jus eat ars boni et aqua). It was developed by the Romanians and the law was formed to other nations in Europe. Roman law is the basics of the modern legal culture. The civil system has been...
942 Words 2 Pages

Dr. Charles Hamilton Houston And Thurgood Marshall

Dr. Charles Hamilton Houston’s success mainly came from his father, an attorney. His father was a major inspiration in his life, which led to him to his profession as a racial activist in Court. Dr. Charles Hamilton Houston was a black lawyer who breached numerous barriers throughout the U.S. courts, he took on civil rights,...
2309 Words 5 Pages

Judicial Review: The Review Of The Cases Of Jasmine And Farhad

The following report will review the cases of Jasmine and Farhad to determine how successful a Judicial Review or Appeal would be. First it will look to see whether either claimant meet the pre-action protocol for Judicial Review. This involves ensuring the claim has been bought within the specific time frame, the defendant is a...
2655 Words 6 Pages

The Doctrine Of Judicial Precedent

This essay will study the doctrine of Judicial precedent that helps structure the English Legal System. It will illustrate a vary of views that have been raised by using the capability of Judges and pertaining to instances to the use of ‘Stare decisis’ when developing precedents. In addition, it will discuss how the traits in...
1918 Words 4 Pages

The Similarities And Differences Between The Civil And Criminal Court

The goal of civil law is to invest a discussion for settling debates and providing solutions for their claims. On the other hand, criminal law aims are to punish civilisations that break any law principles so that they can maintain the law, and they can ensure the public is safe. There are some similarities and...
827 Words 2 Pages

Court Hierarchy In The

Magistrates Court The Magistrates Court is a court of the first instance, this usually is where the case is heard for the first time. All cases start at the Magistrates Court and around 95% of criminal cases are completed here, this is because they deal with two different categories of offences. The Magistrates Court deals...
1033 Words 2 Pages
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