Major Changing Points In The History Of Russia

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Most people know that Russia was once named the Soviet Union. But people `don’t know Russia was named Russia before being the Soviet Union. Russia before Russia was in a very big change in its carrier. They had a revolution, new governments many more changes that you will learn about in this easy.

Russia is the largest country in the world. Russia at the time of the early 1900s, was almost 23 million square kilometers. Seventy-five percent was in Asia and 25 percent in Europe. The vast amount of land covered by Russia also included many people of different nationalities.

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Over 200 nationalities lived in Russia in the late 19th century. There were about 5 million Jewish people in Russia at the time prior to World War 2. There were also 23 million Muslims in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century. This points out that Russia was a melting pot for many different cultures.(Simkin) Some of the people who lived in Russia assimilated into the Russian culture while others remained separate maintaining their own culture.

The cities with the greatest population in Russia, where St. Petersburg, which was the largest, Moscow, Warsaw, Odessa, Lodz, Riga and Kiev. About 85% of people living in Russia resided in the countryside and made a living from agriculture. The peasants in Russia were originally serfs, but the Emancipation Act of 1861 changed their title to peasants. (Simkin)

In 1917, the Bolsheviks revolted against the government because they wanted to change. At that time, the communist group took over. They wanted the peasants and working-class to rule Russia. People saw the change happening; they wanted out of the mess to find a new and better life in America.

As a result, around 30,000 Russians immigrated to the United States. Immigration from Russian exceeded about 10,000 a year: 593,700 people in 1891–1900, 1.6 million in 1901–1910, 868,000 in 1911–1914, and 43,000 in 1915–1917. The largest immigration was between 1891 and 1900. Many people didn’t want to be in a government the Bolsheviks wanted, so they left Russia for America, in search of a new life. (“Polish/Russian – Library of Congress”)

Russians where usually farmers and worked in fields, so when they immigrated to America, it was a big change. When they came to America some started with jobs with manual labor. There is even some stories of princes going to America and becoming, generals driving taxis and waiters at restaurants.

Russia was at a major changing point in their history. They fought a revolution, had a new government and lost people who were emigrating to America. This revolution brought communism and most of us know the outcome. The communist or the Soviet Union ended up not working out and turned into Russia we now know today.

Work Cited

  1. Simkin, John. “Russia in 1900.” Spartacus Educational, 2015, Accessed 3 Oct. 2019.
  2. “Polish/Russian – Russian Beginnings – Immigration…- Classroom Presentation | Teacher Resources – Library of Congress.” Loc.Gov, 2019, Accessed 3 Oct. 2019.
  3. ‌“Russia’s Influence on American Culture.” Wilson Center, 7 July 2011, Accessed 3 Oct. 2019.
  4. “Russia – Religion.” Encyclopædia Britannica, 2019, Accessed 8 Oct. 2019.


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