My Middle School Struggle

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You know that kid that aced every test? Well that was me, or at least until 7th grade. I never struggled with test, I didn’t understand why, it just came to me naturally. I didn’t every study, look over the work we did in class, or put in any extra work to ace a test. It seemed like I had learned everything when I was little. I thought that everything was going to be “easy as pie.”

The beginning of 7th grade year seemed to be easy, probably because we hadn’t did anything hard yet.Of course me, being me I thought (or knew at the time) that 7th was going to be a breeze. I believed that until the first week of school was done. On the Monday of the second week of school, things seemed to get harder quickly. The realization that 7th grade (especially math) wasn’t going to be easy as I thought it was settled in my brain quickly.

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7th grade was extremely hard, at least for me, one of the first grade I made was a sixty-five, mainly because I didn’t have good study habits. It was extremely hard, I remember my friends would ask me, “What grade did you make?” I used to always be embarrassed and upset with myself. I knew I could do better than what I did. When I got home that day, the first I did was try to study. At first it didn’t work out for me, because I hadn’t been studying. I didn’t have any studying habits since I didn’t study at all when I was younger. I had to ask my mom to help me study, she helped me study all week and the the next week when I took my test I aced it. I was extremely happy and when my friends ask me, ”What grade did you make?” I replied back with a, “One hundred. What about you?” with the biggest smile on my face. I was on top of the world.

In the end, I learned that not everything is always going to be easy but you should never give up. I also learned that it’s better to learn habits when you’re little so when you get older you already know them. 7th grade was hard, but I got through it with the help of my mom showing me some study habits, that I would most likely need for the rest of my life. The great thing is now I have study habits installed in me, so I’m ready for all of the 8th grade struggles.


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