The Issue Of Having Pets At Dedham Middle School

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I believe that we should be allowed to bring our pets into DMS or to have trained animal come in. My first argument in why we should have pets in school is that when for instance this one kid is having a really rough day and got in trouble. So what should you do? My solution is you give the kid 5-10 minutes to be with a therapy dog or cat to help calm them down and then once they are let them return to class with a growth mindset. The second reason in my argument is if the teacher is trying to teach a class and every kid or most kids in the class are becoming bored or distracted. The solution is the teacher lets the kids see the animal give them a sense of relief and making it so their focus improved. From a study done on 5/8/18 I have concluded that 5 out of 6 kids think having therapy animals can help them improve their focus, calmness, and overall attitude in and out of school.

Furthermore, the emotions in a child are very unpredictable meaning that one minute they are calm the next they are freaking out. This can be a problem when there is a teacher trying to teach a class. But by giving the kid an animal to be with for even just a few minutes makes that kids emotions go back to zero or neutral and calm. Keeping that in mind if the superintendent of dedham was to bring in therapy animals then the teacher’s could deal with the behavior issues. From experience the admins in the office work very hard daily to correct the problems themselves even just little ones and it overwhelms them but with therapy animals less stress would be put on their shoulders. Finally, if all the Dedham schools did this then kids, teacher, and admins alike would have less stress better to live a healthier life. A life without stress is a healthy life because if you have too much stress then unhealthy things will start to happen to you. Personally I don’t want anyone in the Dedham district or otherwise to have to worry about so much and have health problems from stress.

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Those who disagree believe that bringing animals into the school environment is a bad idea. For reasons including, being a distraction, making too much noise or any at all, and causing allergic reactions to people who are allergic to animals. This is wrong because there are ways to solve all those problems the first one is easy because therapy animals are specifically trained to listen and be quiet while in the classroom. The second problem’s solution is the same solution as for the first. As for the last problem stated in the text above the nurses at DMS can address who in specific classes will have and allergic reaction to the animals and they can be placed away from it.

One way we can work to solve this issue is to bring in the animals from a non-profit organization and discuss this idea with the superintendent of the school. We can also work towards this goal by trying to calm down ourselves first and if it doesn’t work then the animals with be needed.


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