Essays on Religious Concepts

Immortality Of The Soul In Philosophic Theories

Whatever ought to exist must begin, and eventually, come to an end. We know this “end” as a death; by definition, the end of the life of a person or organism. This concept introduces a range of questions such as, what happens when one passes or, if all must die, why live? Philosophers across history...
1119 Words 2 Pages

Miracle Mineral Solution To Treat Autism Spectrum Disorder

Part1 Scenario A well-educated, professional couple you know has a daughter who was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) when she was two years old. Soon after, they confided in you that their doctors offered them little hope, and that they have been looking everywhere for a cure. They recently told you that they have...
1631 Words 4 Pages

John Keats’ Poetic Vision Of Mortality And Immortality

John Keats’ poetic vision, derived from his notion of negative capability, encourages an alternative vision of the individual as capable of perceiving and operating beyond any presupposed capacity through the immortal literature, thereby preserving his emotional sensations and intellectual thoughts on beauty and knowledge. Influenced by her postmodern context, Campion’s vision broadens the scope of...
1892 Words 4 Pages

The Seven Deadly Sins of Students

In a presentation of generalizations, college professor Thomas H. Benton writes a one sided “sermon” about the everyday mistakes college students make in his article, “The Seven Deadly Sins of Students”. The analysis crawls with biased personal opinion and compares the errors made by undergraduates to the grand Christian teachings, against law: the seven deadly...
625 Words 1 Page

Intersection Of Technology And Spirituality

Cyberspace And Spirituality Issues of spirituality and faith are rarely mentioned within the globalisation context. Spirituality and faith have an effect on globalisation development and area unit, in turn, is considerably influenced by globalisation. This article explores the interaction between spirituality and faith, and also the forces of economic science, technology up to date. Economic...

Application Of Spirituality In Marketing

The term spirituality here refers to the new age spirituality without referring to any religious contexts. The concept and significance of spirituality cannot be ignored in marketing of products while it is also discussed in management and other disciplines. Spiritual marketing is a concept of articulation and conveying the authentic beliefs around a service, product...
1567 Words 3 Pages

The Various Proofs For The Existence Of God

God’s Attributes: If the Creator is eternal and everlasting, then His attributes must be eternal and everlasting. He should not lose any of His attributes nor acquire new ones. If this is so, then His attributes are absolute. Can there be more than one Creator with such absolute attributes? Can there be for example, two...
1841 Words 4 Pages

Existence Of God: Different Arguments For

1. Logical evidences In discussing the presence of God we should underline that we are not talking about confirmations in the sense suggested by the trial sciences. Logical verifications in the cutting edge feeling of the word are substantial just for things distinguishable to the faculties, since it is just on such things that logical...
1754 Words 4 Pages

The Arguments To Prove The Existence Of God

Fitrah Argument Every human being in his/her subconscious mind knows that there is a Creator who has created him/her and Whom they return to or seek help from in times of difficulty. It guides them about right and wrongdoings. Fitrah means that humans are born with the concept of the Oneness of God. In my...
1381 Words 3 Pages
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