Essays on School

Benefits Of Wearing A School Uniform

The debate on whether students should or shouldn’t wear uniforms has been continuous since time immemorial. Some believe that students who wear uniforms are more disciplined than those who do not. In addition, uniforms supposedly bring unity and equality to students. Nonetheless, many think it is an unnecessary cost and too expensive for many families....
1093 Words 2 Pages

Level Of Burnout Among Public School Teachers

Consecutive deaths of public school teachers all over the country have given a scare to all. Different reasons as to why these deaths occur come in many ways. One and the most known among those reason is the demand of the work in the field which was also the reason as to why death in...
666 Words 1 Page

School Uniform: Pros And Cons Arguments

Schools requiring a uniform suggest numerous conversation starters for guardians and students. School outfits can profit the learning condition, yet can likewise give a few issues to students all through the school day. School uniforms are accepted to be a practice that dates to the sixteenth century in the United Kingdom. It is accepted that...
1155 Words 3 Pages

Sex Education In The High School Curriculum

In our day the internet can provide an answer to any answer or any information that a person searches for, including children, and many children are curious about what life has to offer. That is why they search the internet and learn things that could be either right or wrong, but who could let them...
641 Words 1 Page

My High School Journey

Education goes beyond what you learn when sitting in a classroom, all aspects of high school are a learning experience. Education is a process of receiving instruction and knowledge to gradually prepare you for your future career and life but it can also mean an enlightening experience. It is an aspect of life that most...
1753 Words 4 Pages

Advantages Of The School Uniform

In this modern era, where trends, styles, and fashions are at a high peak, it is anything but difficult to see any motivation behind why certain students are alienated because of the pieces of clothing they wear and the social occasions they are connected with. In my opinion, I believe that introducing school uniforms may...
528 Words 1 Page

High School Reflections

Many people would tell us that our high school years “are the best years of our lives”. How when we walk across the stage in June, nothing would ever be the same, for the better or for the worst. As a graduating senior, I thought it would only be appropriate to write an essay reflecting...
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Concussions In High School Sports

 There’s nothing like that feeling of anticipation on the day of a game! Many young athletes relish the opportunity to experience the thrills and competitive edge required to succeed in athletics, particularly at the high school level. But they run the risk of suffering traumatic brain injuries called concussions during moments of contact or sudden...
1253 Words 3 Pages

Food Waste In Public Schools

If one observed a cafeteria lunch in any public school, one would see an ongoing problem; food waste. Many children rely on school lunches as a form of daily nutrition, however, in most cases, lunchtime availability is too short causing children to throw away unused food. This means that they do not obtain all the...
917 Words 2 Pages

Dropouts In A High School

Introduction The American daily life is always changing. In the 1970s men dropping out of high school were still able to support their families and make a decent living. These days, dropping out of high school is practically economic suicide. The history of high school dropouts in America at the beginning of the twentieth century,...
1006 Words 2 Pages
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