Smart Glass Using Organic Light Emitting Diode: A Headmounted Intelligent Device

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Recent developments in smart technology have en- chanced human life. Among its smart glass is the wearable handsfree, head-mounted intelligent device, performing computing activities with help of Augmented reality which involves the incorporation of computer graphics onto physical objects.It includes active data collection and data processing which made machine to human interaction possible in a hands-free way. This paper insights designing of smart glass, its features and working principle. A survey of various commercially available smart glass was hands-free presented and the new smart glass was derived from them. Applications such as GPS navigation, calling, sending messages with help of Bluetooth was highlighted. Several design challenges along with future possible applications were discussed Index Terms—Augmented reality, Organic light emitting diode(OLED), Smart Glass

I. Introduction

Recent development in smart devices has led to human-machine interaction in novel ways. These devices aim at providing ease to users in various ways such as handsfree which made it portable, live recording and broadcasting through the connection of various applications.

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This paper insight the working of smart glass made using Aurdino pro-mini and OLED and its interconnection with help of Bluetooth HC-05 and using an android application which was developed with C programming.

Many design challenges were also explored with the future scope and the use of the wearable technology that is smart glass applications were explored. LATEX. Please observe the conference page limits.

II. Related Works

Since smart glass has been recently come up in the market, with its first invention from google glass. Due to this not much of research work has been done but various applications have been derived from it.

As there is a lack of privacy and security while data transferring data, authors in [1] presented the way of achieving security by changing its physical and software structure by redesigning its 6 features. These features include User Authentication, Locking Mechanism, Notification, Physical Security, Governmental Security, and Firewall. The redesigned model of smart glass achieved 16.7 per cent more security and overcame privacy issues.

The author in [2] proposed recent advances in privacy and security. They proposed various security mechanisms such as Bluetooth pairing and authentication for device locking, the mechanism was achieved through encryption of data, normally Bluetooth uses 4 digit pin which is easy to break and is 6 digit is not compatible with the hardware module, it uses a numeric comparison protocol, while Bluetooth trafc is protected using Asymmetrical Encryption Standard (AES), the pairing is needed to establish the symmetric keys.And using these all it protect against passive eavesdropping. As it does not have user authentication there are a huge amount of chance that it may get stolen. The fact that Smart Glass doesn’t have a keyboard it is possible to incorporate a lock system using the simple touch control of the Glass. But the new authentication proposed it through voice commands which use speech recognition as its input.

As google glass which was invented in 2014 was developed for micro-interactions, authors in [3] stated various interaction methods using touch, touchless and multimodal inputs for multiple interfacing devices.

In [4]first commercial smart glass was manufactured in 2010, which was named ski-goggles which had a head-up display equipped with organic light-emitting diode display reflected with help of mirror and output on a small rectangular glass of the user’s vision alignment. It has features like inbuilt real time location tracing also with GPS, it also notifies the user about the speed and pulse [7] rate of the heart also glucose levels and the countdown timer for parachutes to open.

In Andrea and Kirmani et al’s [5]work, they proposed numerous touch inputs such as on body and on-device interfaces such as finger worn devices, arm worn devices belt worn devices. touch input constantly and repetitively touching and interacting which ultimately makes it tedious actions.

The proposed work of Zheng et .al [6] stated various handsfree interaction methods with the help of hand gestures. Gesture control inputs can be of multiple types including Pointing, Semaphoric-Static, Semaphoric-Dynamic, Semaphoric-Stroke, Pantomimic, Iconic-Static, Iconic-Dynamic, and Manipulation. Smart Glass also has been used in education proposed in [8] where it was used to scan the present student data indirectly for attendance purposes and the student data was uploaded on cloud and the teacher was able to scan the present student’s faces and mark attendance automatically.

Smart glass also emerged to help in the education in [9] where it helped students interact with the tutor also with it helped tutor to recognise whether the student is paying attention or not by real time eyesight detection.

Smart glass using MEMS scanner was proposed in [10] in which was used in heathcare for recording iris contraction and functioning of it under various atmospheric conditions. Basically used as a retinal system.

C. Chen proposed [11] model for industrial purposes for the detection of faulty equipment for ease of workers working at industrial sites under high temperature such as in nuclear power plants where the heating equipment inside AC and DC motors were scanned through infrared cameras attached on smart glass which then gives an output of heating elements in terms of colour, the red gives the hottest and the blue with minor heating, this was in the line of sight vision.

III. Hardware Requirements

  1. 128×64 OLED display Module (SSD1306)
  2. Arduino Pro mini
  3. Bluetooth HC05
  4. Connecting Wires
  5. 3.7v Li-On Battery
  6. Jumpers

IV. Hardware Description

In our project, we have used an Arduino Pro Mini board to control all the operations.

  • The Arduino Pro Mini is dedicated to users who require flexibility, low cost, and small size. Please make a note that there are 2 versions of this board –one is operating at 5v and another is operating at 3.3v.
  • Here we used Arduino pro mini with 3.3v operating voltage. and it is programmed using the Arduino Software (IDE), our Integrated Development Environment which is common to all our boards and it runs online as well as offline
  • The 4 pin OLED and Bluetooth module HC-05 can also work on 3.3v, so all of these modules can be powered by a single 3.7v Li-on.
  • A lithium-ion battery or Li-on battery is a compact, lightweight battery, rechargeable and is the perfect option for portable or wearable devices.
  • Li-on is 3.7v so here a problem arises that all modules required 3.3v but because of the 3.7v Li-ion battery, all modules get damaged. To overcome this issue we are connecting the Li-on battery to the raw pin of Arduino pro mini which converts it into 3.3v.

A. The following operations that are applied during the whole project:

  • Receiving Notifications e.g.calling,text messages, WhatsApp notification
  • GPS
  • Time, Date and Battery Percentage

1) Notifications:

Android notifications are supported on Glass through Notification Sync. When the Android system sends a notification on a user’s phone, it also appears on the OLED screen. Notifications on the OLED screen works synchronously with your Android mobile phone. When you cancel the notification on either of the devices, the system rejects the notification on the other one. Notification may include the Whatsapp notification, text messages or call notifications.

2) GPS:

The GPS NEO-6M receives a signal through each GPS satellite. The satellites will transmit the particular time the signals are sent. So travel time of the GPS signals from three satellites and their exact position in the sky, the GPS receiver can appoint your position in 3 dimensions – East, North and Altitude.

3) Time, Date and Battery Percentage :

When Arduino pro mini and OLED interface with Android App,it will access the data of mobile through Bluetooth connectivity and it will display on OLED screen.

V. Software Hardware Interfacing:

  • Using MIT’s App Inventor we have created an android application. It is a free source online website in which you just have to sign up and start creating the application for free just by dragging and using code which are in blocks. This MIT App Inventor is very useful for creating interesting apps without having any prior coding knowledge.
  • The Scan Button in the app will search for the HC-05 Bluetooth Module and will connect to the phone after the scanning is done. After the Bluetooth module is connected to the android the android device will send the data which is in the form of strings to the Arduino through Bluetooth. The data in the form of Strings includes current Date and Time and also incoming call or text is transmit- ted. The transmitted data is received by Arduino which is then displayed on the OLED screen.

A. The Android Application section:

  • Firstly open MIT’s App Inventor and sign in with your google accounts then give the project name which is the name of your application i.e SmartG and then drag and drop the required components the code which we achieved is as follows:
  • In the Design, section add a two-button and the name “Scan” for scanning the available devices and another button name “Connect Bluetooth” for Connecting to the scanned device. Then add the Text button which will display the status of the connection and Add ListView to show all visible Bluetooth devices which are present in a certain range.
  • In the designer section, the components like a clock and Bluetooth client has their own functionalities These components help us to tap into the functionalities of the phone such as the clock and its Bluetooth. Just by dragging and dropping we create a logical set of code in blocks and we can code it however you want to which contains all the information of Date, Time and Incoming Call in the block of code which is to be transmitted to Arduino to OLED screen.

B. Arduino Code:

  • After the app is created we transmit the data from phone to Arduino once it is connected to HC-05 Bluetooth Module. After data is received by Arduino a code is written to print the data received from the phone to the OLED screen. We use the AltSoftSerial and Adafruit Libraries to run the code.


After successful uploading of the code for displaying textual content on Arduino IDE, from the Arduin terminal, the output will be displayed on the OLED screen. This will give the following result.

For interfacing Bluetooth module with Arduino, the code is uploaded to Arduino with help on serial monitor and using an application named Bluetooth terminal which is available on google play store can be searched and connected to the bluetooth module. Once you have done so, the OLED display will be displaying the data with help of a serial monitor the two-way transmission is possible. This will give the following output. In a similar way for other applications the smart glass structure is to be connected with Bluetooth and further applications such as call, text messages, date, time, battery percentage, GPS navigation can be performed For further modifications, a small vibrating motor can be added for notifying the incoming call and messages and make it vibrate when the call notification is displayed. . Power is the constraint in microelectronic structure and hence power is being provided with a 3.7v LiPo (Lithium Polymer) battery


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